Coronavirus updates UK: cases, deaths, real-time map - 17 April

Updates on the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases, deaths and discharged patients, both in the United Kingdom and across the world on Friday 17 April.

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Confirmed UK coronavirus cases

As of 02:00 BST (03:00 CEST) on Friday 17 April, there had been 103,093 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK, with 13,729 deaths in total.

Worldwide real-time coronavirus map

Click here if the map doesn't automatically appear. (Map created and hosted by Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, our thanks to them)

Worldwide coronavirus cases

The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide at the above time stood at 2,182,023 while 145,513 people have died from Covid-19 and 547,092 have recovered from the disease.

News in the UK

Britain's Treasury is expected to unveil a sweeping rescue package for start-up businesses within days, the Telegraph has reported. Ministers are rushing ahead with a bailout plan for loss-making companies whose funding pools have dried up, the report added, citing sources in the technology industry.

(FILES) In this file photo taken on April 02, 2020 British Airways planes are parked at Heathrow airport in London on April 2, 2020. - Heathrow Airport, the UK's largest airport and one of the world's major air transport hubs, will close one of its two ruBEN STANSALLAFP

The aim of the package would be to keep venture capitalists investing in start-ups amid signs of dwindling support as the Covid-19 pandemic triggered a massive recession.

See also:

UK care home worker reveals PPE and testing shortages

Sweden's soaring death rate shows danger of 'herd immunity'

Amazon the “clear winner” from the coronavirus pandemic

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