
Donald Trump said he could prohibit flights from Latin America

During his daily press coference the President of the United States said that flights coming from Latin America could be prohibited until further notice.

Estados Unidos
Al Drago / POOLEFE

The United States quickly became the epicenter of the coronavirus with numbers rapidly increasing from March to April. As of today the U.S. has more than half a million Covid-19 confirmed cases and they are close to reaching the 60,000 deaths. That is why President Donald Trump is taking drastic measures to stop the spread within the borders.

He already announced on April 22 that immigration was pausing for 60 days in order to ensure Americans get their jobs back after the outbreak. Trump didn’t stop there because on Monday’s daily briefing he said he wanted to stop flights coming in from Latin America due to the amount of cases that all of those countries are reporting each day.

The United States is already working on phase-one to reopen the economy after over a month of being in quarantine period and starting next month some businesses are going to reopen little by little. Trump also suggested governors to reopen the public schools before the academic year ends in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Both of Trump’s suggestions are not totally approved by Health Experts in the country because they believe it is too soon and reopening the economy and schools in May could bring a second wave of the virus that for now seems to be in control.

President Trump finalized by saying that he is also talking to other governors because various states bring in certain products from Latin America and they will soon reach a decision about what his government will do.

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