Coronavirus India summary: cases, deaths and news - 6 June


Coronavirus live India: latest Covid-19 news - Saturday 6 June

India Covid-19 update: 03:30 IST on Sunday 7 June (00:00 CEST)

According to the latest figures published by Johns Hopkins University, 6,804,044 cases have been detected worldwide, with 362,678 deaths and 2,788,806 people now recovered.

In India, there have been 246,454 cases confirmed, 6,933 people have died and 118,313 people have recovered from the virus.

India Covid-19 update: 22:30 IST on Saturday 6 June (19:00 CEST)

According to the latest figures published by Johns Hopkins University, 6,797,633 cases have been detected worldwide, with 396,388 deaths and 2,784,210 eople now recovered.

In India, there have been 245,670 cases confirmed, 6,913 people have died and 118,048 people have recovered from the virus.

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Delhi bed requirements

A five-member committee formed by the Delhi government to assess Delhi hospitals’ preparedness and suggest ways to strengthen infrastructure for Covid cases has said in a report that Delhi will need around 15,000 beds to cater to patients from the city by 15 June.


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Who is Abhigya Anand, the child astrologer that predicted the coronavirus pandemic?

Indian child astrologer

Born in India, this 14-year old is believed to have alerted the world to the forthcoming Covid-19 crisis, and has made further forecasts for the months ahead.

Locking down spending habits

The TOI ran a survey in which they found that many have turned to more frugal means.


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Reuters tally over 7 million Covid-19 cases

Global cases of the novel coronavirus topped 7 million on Saturday, as case numbers surge in Brazil and India, according to a Reuters tally. About 30% of those cases, or 2 million infections, are in the United States. Latin America has the second-largest outbreak with over 15% of cases. Note that this tragic milestone has not yet been confirmed by Johns Hopkins University.

Globally, deaths from the novel coronavirus are approaching 400,000. The United States accounts for about one-quarter of all fatalities but deaths in South America are rapidly rising. The number of deaths linked to Covid-19 in just five months is now equal to the number of people who die annually from malaria, one of the world's most deadly infectious diseases. The first Covid-19 death was reported on 10 January in Wuhan, China, but it was early April before the death toll passed 100,000, according to the Reuters tally of official reports from governments.

It took 23 days to go from 300,000 to 400,000 deaths. The United States has the highest death toll in the world at almost 110,000. Fatalities in Brazil are rising rapidly and the country may overtake the United Kingdom to have the second-largest number of deaths in the world. The total number of deaths is believed to be higher than the officially reported 400,000 as many countries lack supplies to test all victims and some countries do not count deaths outside of a hospital.

India's Covid-19 path

The concerns continue as the number of new cases focuses on the newer group of regions, many with large populations.


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Regional breakdown

A look around the country at where the outbreaks have been hardest felt.


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Islamic Centre of India issues advisory for reopening of mosques

The Islamic Centre of India on Saturday issued an advisory for those visiting mosques in view of the Centre's decision to allow reopening of religious places from Monday 8 June.

Islamic Centre of India chairman Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahali advised people above 65 years and under 10 years of age not to visit mosques and instead offer prayers at home.


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A security guard cleans the premises of the 'Navagraha' (9 planets) deities in a Hindu temple as the Karnataka government considers opening places of worship as part of the relaxation measures of the nationwide lockdown imposed against the coronavirus in Bangalore. (Photo by Manjunath Kiran / AFP)

Tamil Nadu cases pass 30,000-mark

The number of coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu has exceeded 30,000, local officials have confirmed. 


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A vendor arranges facemasks on mannequins installed outside a retail apparel store after the government eased a lockdown imposed as a preventive measure against the Covid-19 coronavirus in Siliguri on June 6, 2020. (Photo by DIPTENDU DUTTA / AFP)

Delhi hospitals warned against turning away Covid-19 patients

The Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal said in comments reported by India Today: "Some hospitals are denying admission to coronavirus patients. I am warning those who think they will be able to do black-marketing of beds using the influence of their protectors from other parties, you will not be spared."


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India overtakes Italy's coronavirus tally as lockdown easing looms

(Reuters) India reported a record 9,887 new coronavirus cases in one day on Saturday and overtook Italy as the world's sixth-biggest outbreak, two days before the relaxing of a lockdown with the reopening of malls, restaurants and places of worship.

With its total number of cases rising to more than 236,000, India now has fewer infections than only the United States, Brazil, Russia, Britain and Spain, according to a Reuters tally.

However, India's toll of deaths from Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, is 6,642, small compared with those other countries.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, anxious to jump-start an economy crippled by the epidemic and put millions of people back to work, is easing its lockdown of the 1.3 billion population imposed in March, which the government says helped avoid an exponential rise in cases.

9,887 new cases, Indian Healthy Ministry says

India recorded 9,887 fresh coronavirus cases in the 24-hour cycle between Friday and Saturday, the Indian Health Ministry has said. The spike in infections is the country's largest so far. India also confirmed 294 new deaths from Covid-19.


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Best be prepared

An increase of 9,000 beds to 13,870, including 750 beds with ventilator support. If they don't get used, brilliant, but good to have them if needed.


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Parents wary of reopening schools

LocalCircles, a non-profit social media community group, surveyed parents and found the majority across 224 districts are not confident schools will be able to enforce local distancing and other coronavirus-stopping measures. 

Only 11% of parents favour restarting the schools in line with the government's plan. 

Under the unlock guidelines, schools can be reopened in the second phase of unlocking, with some state governments seeing July as a possibility. 

To fill or not to fill

Risk appears to be being measured by demand for flights, which seems... odd. 


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WHO says Covid-19 growing "not exploding" in India

According to the World Health Organisation, the Covid-19 pandemic in India is growing - doubling the number of cases every three weeks - but it is not exploding - growing exponentially. 

"In South Asia, not just in India, but in Bangladesh and Pakistan and other countries of South Asia with large dense populations, the disease has not exploded, but there is always the risk of that happening," Dr. Mike Ryan, WHO's top emergency expert, told a news conference.

As the WHO notes, 200,000 cases is a lot, but set against India's 1.3 billion population, it's still modest.

Covid and dengue

The Times of India is reporting that doctors in Mumbai have been dealing with some patients who have both Covid-19 and dengue. A tough challenge, although doctors say if you have one or the other it shouldn't be hard to tell them apart. The symptoms are very different.

India: latest figures

India has now had 236,184 (up 9,471 from this time yesterday) people officially confirmed as having the disease (that's fifth highest globally, behind the US, Brazil, Russia, UK, Spain. India has now gone past Italy's total of 234,531).

In total 6,649 people have died from the new coronavirus (286 more than this time yesteday), while 113,231 have recovered (up 4,781).


Latest news for Saturday, 6 June 2020

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