Coronavirus USA summary: cases, deaths, news - 13 July


Coronavirus USA latest: Monday 13 July

US coronavirus latest: 13:30 PT / 16:30 ET on Monday 13 July(22:30 CEST)

According to the latest figures published by Johns Hopkins University,12,995,037 cases have been detected worldwide, with570,435 deaths and 7,157,634 people recovered.

In the USA, there have been 3,341,838 confirmed cases and 135,425 deaths, with 1,006,326 people recovered from the virus.

Medical expert Fauci caught in the storm

Biden’s response comes as the White House has provided a document to several media outlets that contains a list of comments made by Fauci in an effort to damage his reputation.


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Goodspeed for acting chair of CEA

“Tyler is a brilliant economist who is held in the highest regard by everyone in the White House,” said Kevin Hassett, the first chair of the council under Trump who became one of the president’s trusted aides.

“He has an uncanny ability to assemble evidence and perform original analysis almost instantaneously.”


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Drugmakers will start vaccine production by end of summer

More to follow on this breaking news...


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California and Oregon roll back reopenings

The moves to shut down bars and indoor restaurants in California and ban private indoor gatherings of more than 10 people in Oregon come as governors elsewhere are announcing new mandates and pausing reopening.

As President Trump pushes for schools to reopen, California’s two largest school districts said they will open the school year remotely, and Atlanta schools were preparing to announce the same as coronavirus cases surge in those areas.


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Paycheck Protection Program (PPP): what companies got loans?

Who has benefitted from PPP?

It was meant to help small businesses through the pandemic, but the list released today shows an interesting picture.

PPP saved more than half of oil field jobs in Texas

More than $1 billion in forgivable loans issued by the federal government's Paycheck Protection Program for companies struggling with the coronavirus pandemic saved more than half of oil field jobs in Texas, an analysis of Small Business Administration figures shows.


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Trump rally and Tusla rise in cases

Although there has not been enough evidence to be conclusive - with so many variables - many are pointing to the tragic coincidence.


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Gov. Newsom on Californian response

California Governor Gavin Newsom provides an update on the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic on 13 July at noon PT. Tune in and find out what he has to say.


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'Tax us': world's super-rich call for wealth tax to fund coronavirus relief

A group of the world's super-rich including heiress Abigail Disney and the co-founder of Ben & Jerry's urged governments on Monday to raise their taxes to help impoverished populations survive the coronavirus and its economic fallout.

In an open letter, the 83 individuals with net worths of tens or hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars called for a permanent wealth tax to fuel economic relief.

'Unlike tens of millions of people around the world, we do not have to worry about losing our jobs, our homes, or our ability to support our families,' the group said. 'So please. Tax us. Tax us. Tax us.' The letter was released before finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of 20 leading economies are set to meet online on 18 July to tackle the global economic disorder from the pandemic.


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The personal stories amid Covid-19


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North of the border, Ontario is reopening

Ontario will begin moving most of its health regions into the third stage of its reopening plan from 17 July, Premier Doug Ford said on Monday, as Canada's most populous province lifts lockdowns put in place in March to limit the spread of the new coronavirus.

Nearly all businesses and public spaces will be allowed to gradually reopen in stage three, according to documents released on Monday. It will also allow gatherings of 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors, but in all cases individuals have to maintain social distancing of at least 2 meters (6.56 ft). The previous limit on indoor and outdoor gatherings was 10.

Ten out of 34 health regions - including Toronto, Canada's largest city and its financial capital, and Windsor-Essex, a region which has seen outbreaks of Covid-19 among agricultural workers - will remain in stage 2 for further assessment.


Stimulus check: why are some payments being canceled?

According to the Internal Revenue Service the FBI are tracking and canceling stimulus checks that have been sent by mistake amid the Covid-19 outbreak.

Trump retweets claim over coronavirus "lies"

US President Donald Trump has retweeted a post by game show host Chuck Woolery claiming that the Centers for Disease Prevention (CDC), the media, the Democrats and doctors are "lying" about the impact of the coronavirus to prevent the American economy from recovering and, in turn, to hurt Trump's election chances.

"The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19," Woolery tweeted. "Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it."


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Study suggests Covid-19 immunity can only last for a matter of months

A study carried out by researchers at King’s College London in the UK has found that people who have recovered from Covid-19 may lose their immunity within the space of just a few months

The study, whose results have been published in the medical journal Medrxiv, showed that antibody levels peaked two to three weeks after the onset of symptoms and began to decline within as little as two to three months.

"This observational study highlights that antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 circulating in blood are declining after infection," said Dr Katie Doores, who led the study. “Further research is needed to determine the level of antibodies required for protection from infection.”


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A car drives into the mobile coronavirus testing site at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida, on Sunday - a day on which the state reported 15,300 new cases, a record for a single 24-hour period anywhere in the US.


Latin America deaths surpass US and Canada

Coronavirus fatalities in Latin America have now surpassed the combined death toll in the United States and Canada, according to an AFP tally. The news agency says Latin American deaths had reached 144,758 on Monday, overtaking the US and Canada’s 144,023.

Around half of the coronavirus-related deaths in Latin America have come in Brazil, whose total of just over 72,000 fatalities is second in the world only to the US, where more than 135,200 people have died of Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University.


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Trump plans to shrink healthcare coverage have "slammed into a brick wall" amid coronavirus crisis


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Stimulus check: who could get second IRS money?

Stimulus check: who could get second IRS money?

The IRS has sent out 159 million stimulus checks but with the new limit mentioned by Mitch McConnell, tens of millions could be excluded from second check.

Full details:

NJ restaurant left bumper tip amid Covid financial struggles

A regular customer has left a restaurant in New Jersey a $1,000 tip to help it get through financial struggles caused by the coronavirus crisis, CNN has reported.

"The customer and his family ate their meal and left without saying a word," the restaurant’s owner told the media outlet. "When the waiter serving them saw the tip, she just started crying. Then another one of my staff members saw it and started crying, too. And then I see it, and I couldn't help but cry. It was just extremely emotional because it's been a really difficult time for us."

The customer left a note with the huge tip, telling staff at the Starving Artist in Ocean Drive: "Thank you so much for working through this tough time. We are grateful for your delicious food, warm smiles, and great atmosphere... Please know we appreciate you all very much. It wouldn't be a good summer without the Starving Artist.”


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WHO reports record daily rise in coronavirus cases

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported a record global rise in coronavirus cases on Sunday, with more than 230,000 new infections registered in the previous 24-hour period - a figure that beats the previous high of over 228,000, which was recorded on Friday.

According to the WHO, there were over 66,000 new cases in the United States, by a distance the world’s worst-affected country in the Covid-19 pandemic. Florida set the highest ever daily total for a single US state on Sunday, reporting over 15,300 cases.

(Photo: REUTERS/Denis Balibouse/File Photo)

Coronavirus bringing record $1 trillion of new global corporate debt in 2020

Companies around the world will take on as much as $1 trillion of new debt in 2020, as they try to shore up their finances against the coronavirus, a new study of 900 top firms has estimated.

The unprecedented increase will see total global corporate debt jump by 12% to around $9.3 trillion, adding to years of accumulation that has left the world's most indebted firms owing as much as many medium-sized countries.

Last year also saw a sharp 8% rise, driven by mergers and acquisitions, and by firms borrowing to fund share buybacks and dividends. But this year's jump will be for an entirely different reason - preservation as the virus saps profits.

"COVID has changed everything," said Seth Meyer, a portfolio manager at Janus Henderson, the firm that compiled the analysis for a new corporate debt index. "Now it is about conserving capital and building a fortified balance sheet".


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Coronavirus: the complete guide to the Covid-19 pandemic

Coronavirus: the complete guide to the Covid-19 pandemic


These are the testimonies of some people who survived despite being infected with coronavirus


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This is how the Jersey Shore looked after the beach was reopened


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Activists in Florida who are against the masks protested in a restaurant this Sunday


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New York City reports zero deaths on Saturday

Still has to be finally confirmed, but it looks like there may have been no fatalities in the city on Saturday.

Disney will ask guests with Covid-19 symptoms to leave -CNN

After outrage across social media this weekend that a guest felt sick at a Disney property, CNN posed the question to the company about it's policies.

"A Disney spokesperson replied, saying the company has robust protocols in place and will address each situation individually, considering advice provided by public health agencies and the company’s medical and safety experts.

In addition to the health screenings prior to entry of the park, this includes the process that if someone comes to the parks’ First Aid with Covid-19-like symptoms, Disney requires them to leave the park and assists them in seeking additional medical care."

Pelosi: lawmakers can find compromise on extending jobless benefits and unemployment insurance 

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she believes a compromise can be found to extend benefits for Americans hard hit by the coronavirus crisis and the economic effects of the shutdown.

"We have to find a compromise because we must extend it," Pelosi said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Democrats in the U.S. Senate, impatient with the pace of Republican deliberations on additional coronavirus aid, have proposed long-term extensions to a temporary unemployment insurance program.

The $600-per-week payments, which began at the end of March, would be extended until jobless rates in individual states fell below 11%.

The proposal comes as 33 million people in the United States are either receiving unemployment benefits or awaiting approval, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said.

Six feet alone is not enough

Eric Feigl-Ding is an epidemiologist and health economist. 


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Hospitalisations up in Texas

Texas saw a rise in hospitalisations of 327, to a new high of 10,410, a record high for the 14th day straight.

White House seeking to discredit Fauci - NBC news

Quite the story from NBC News:

"In a remarkable broadside by the Trump administration against one of its own, a White House official said Sunday that “several White House officials are concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things.” The official gave NBC News a list of nearly a dozen past comments by Fauci that the official said had ultimately proven erroneous.

Among them: Fauci’s comments in January that the coronavirus was “not a major threat” and his guidance in March that “people should not be walking around with masks.”

It was a move more characteristic of a political campaign furtively disseminating opposition research about an opponent than of a White House struggling to contain a pandemic that has killed more than 135,000 people, according to an NBC News tally."

Cardinals owner out of hospital for Covid-19

Statement from Bidwell who was hospitalised at the end of last week:

"This week I learned first-hand just how serious Covid-19 is. My immense appreciation for all those on the front lines of this pandemic has only increased and I am particularly grateful to the tremendous nurses and doctors at Newport (R.I.) Hospital. I am also overwhelmed by the outpouring of kindness from the Red Sea as well as so many friends and colleagues in Arizona and throughout the country. I'm very fortunate to have this experience behind me and strongly encourage everyone to continue practicing the important measures to avoid it themselves."


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New Covid-19 rules on masks and bars in Louisiana

Mask mandate and bar controls in Louisiana

The mask mandate comes into effect on Monday, while bars are restricted to selling drinks to go.

Covid-19 complications

This is very much not a simple respiratory virus. 


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Cases at Mississippi legislature


At least 26 members of Mississippi's legislature have tested positive for the coronavirus after weeks of working at the state Capitol — often absent face masks and social distancing.

Both Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann and House Speaker Philip Gunn are among those who have tested positive. At least 10 others who work in the building have also tested positive, The Associated Press reported, citing the state health officer.


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Coronavirus: Florida sets one-day record with over 15,000 new cases

Florida's record-high increase in daily cases

More on the news from Florida.

There were 45 newly reported deaths in the state on Sunday, however hospitalisations are rising (up 152 from Saturday to 7,390) and experts warn that the death rate is almost certain to increase given the level of new cases being reported. 

Graph on reopening schools

This is doing the rounds on Twitter. Of course, there may well be ways schools can reopen safely, with distancing, masks and other measures, but it's hard to argue with the underlying picture painted by the graph.

Schools reopening - debate continues

This is a car crash interview from DeVos and highlights the issues that she is demanding schools reopen, but is unwilling to give guidance or help with that reopening, arguing that that is for each local area to deal with. However, the option of not reopening as the best thing to do in any area is not considered appropriate.


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Hello and welcome to our live, rolling coverage of the coronavirus in the United States

The global number of Covid-19 cases is close to 13 million, with several worrying hotspots around the world, including in Latin America and India. The US though remains the most badly affected country, with nearly 3.3 million cases. 

Florida has recorded the highest ever daily total new cases for any state since the start of the pandemic, with over 15,300 cases on Sunday. That would rank it fourth in terms of countries, behind the USA, Brazil and India. 

The previous highest total for any state was 12,274 recorded by New York on 4 April. Florida's previous high was 11,458 on 4 July.

The global death toll stands at over 567,000, with the US over 135,000 reported deaths from the novel coronavirus.