Ghana news

Coronavirus: Ghana's Ministry of Aviation denies borders opening next week

The Ghanaian Ministry of Aviation has refuted rumours claiming that the country's borders, which were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will re-open next week.

Sven Creutzmann/Mambo PhotoGetty Images

The Ghanaian Ministry of Aviation says social-media rumours that the country's borders are to be re-opened next week are false, insisting that they will remain closed until further notice.

Aviation ministry issues statement refuting claims

A statement issued and signed by the public relations officer at the Aviation Ministry, Madeleine Insaidoo, affirmed that minister of aviation, Joseph Kofi Adda has in no way stated, granted an interview or released any information in regard to the matter.

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“The Ministry wishes to inform the general public that the above news item is false and that at no point in time has Hon. Joseph Kofi Adda, Minister for Aviation stated this in any interview or press release. So, it should be disregarded,” the communiqué read.

Borders closed except for repatriation of stranded Ghanaians

For the time being, Ghana's borders remain closed, although the government has operated some repatriation flights to bring stranded Ghanaians back home following the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Foreign Affairs Minister Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey announced earlier in June that 856 Ghanaians who were stranded have returned home safely.

Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo announced in May the indefinite extension of the closure of borders to human traffic as a result of the continuing spread of Covid-19.

Domestic flights are currently being operated at the Kotoka International Airport (KIA), as announced by the Aviation Ministry on 1 May, while complying with safety protocols and guidelines developed to curb the further spread of the virus.

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