Simone Biles calls for more discussion on mental health

Having opened up about her own mental heatlh struggles, Biles called for "a lot more" discussion on mental health after her Olympic bronze medal win in Tokyo.


Simone Biles made an impressive return to Olympic Games action in Tokyo on Tuesday, winning a bronze medal in the women's balance beam final to take her total Olympic and World Championship medal tally to 33.

The American gymnast's return came after she had sat out four previous events she was scheduled to compete in (the team final, all-around final, and the vault and uneven bars finals), citing mental health struggles.

As gymnastics biggest superstar Biles withdrawal naturally drew massive global media attention, and she received high praise for having the courage to put her mental health first, while also bringing the topic into the media spotlight.

Biles: Mental health should be talked about more

And after her bronze medal win, the 24-year-old Olympian revealed details about the medical and psychological support she has received over recent days and called for more discussion on the topic of mental health among athletes.

"To bring the topic of mental health I think  it should be talked about a lot more, especially with athletes," she said.

"I know some of us are going through the same things and we're always told to push through it but we're all a little bit older now and we can kind of speak for ourselves."

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