If I vote no on the gubernatorial recall who do I vote for?

There are just a few hours left until the end of voting and there may still be some pressing questions on what to actually do with the ballot paper.

Fred GreavesReuters

If you intend to vote, then you should probably go pretty soon to the ballot box.

There is less than three hours to get your vote in!

What does the ballot paper look like?

First, Californian voters will be asked whether they want to recall (remove) Governor Newsom, a “Yes” vote, or to keep him in office, a “No” vote. This is the only question that voters must answer for their ballot to be valid. The Democratic Party, Governor Newsom and his supporters have been urging voters to only focus on voting “No”.

If over 50 percent of voter mark “No”, the governor will keep his job. However, on the contrary, if over 50 percent mark “Yes” Newsom will be removed from office. That is where the second question comes into play.

The second question relates to which of the 46 other candidates the voter wants to get into office. If Newsom loses the first round, then there is no other option to vote for him. In effect, a "No" vote is a vote for Newsom.

The full list of candidates can be found here on the Californian government website.

The choice of vote is totally up to you, and AS will not be recommending one candidate over another.

Also see:

How does another candidate win?

It is a simple plurality, meaning the candidate with the most votes on question two wins. It doesn't need to be a majority, simply the  candidate with the most votes in comparison to the other. There is only one round and no run-offs.

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