La Palma volcano summary: 14 November 2021

Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption: Sun 14 Nov
Dept of National Security update on lava flow
According to the latest update by Spain's Department of National Security on Monday, the lava flow emanating from the Cumbre Vieja volcano now covers a surface area of 1,019.79 hectares on La Palma, an increase of 1.12 hectares on the body’s previous report.
Spanish volcano continues to erupt
Footage released by the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España shows the continuing volcanic activity on the Spanish island of La Palma. The Cumbre Vieja volcano has been active for eight weeks now and is continuning to cause huge disruption for the island's inhabitants.
This video footage of the La Palma volcano was taken from the Punta Lava Lighthouse at 18.50 (Canarian time) on Sunday.

A house is surrounded by lava as the Cumbre Vieja volcano continues to erupt on November 13, 2021 in La Palma, Spain.
The volcano has been erupting since September 19, 2021 after weeks of seismic activity, resulting in millions of euros worth of damage to properties and businesses, as the lava flowed down the mountainside towards the sea.
Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
La Palma eruption: Cumbre Vieja volcano claims life of volunteer
Almost two months after it first erupted, the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma has claimed its first victim. According to reports from Spanish news wire EFE, a 70-year-old man was killed while working as a volunteer cleaning up volcanic ash when the roof of the building he was on collapsed. The vast amounts of ash – which consists of fragments of volcanic rock and glass – being emitted from Cumbre Vieja has been carpeting buildings across La Palma, leading the Spanish government to mobilize military personnel to help with the clean-up.
The volunteer, who had the necessary authorization from the Island Council of La Palma to carry out the work on other properties, was on the roof of his own home in the neighbourhood of Corazoncillo on Friday when the accident occurred.
This photograph was taken in El Paso at 8:45 pm (Canarian time) on Sunday. The lava flows and the plume of the lava delta are visible.
Magnitude 3.2 earthquake
The towns of Fuencaliente de La Palma and Villa del Mazo continue to record seismic activity at great depth. The last earthquake recorded in the former town had a magnitude of 3.2 at a depth of 35 kilometres.
The La Palma town council announces that on Sunday it is not possible to access the coast of the Aridane Valley due to the air quality.
Rubén López, from IGNSpain, has shared a video of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in its Strombolian phase.
Reuters - The La Palma volcano continues to erupt almost two months later, spewing vibrant, glowing lava into the night sky.
Video: Eruption in Tacande, La Palma
This footage shows the eruption in Tacande at 1.30 pm (Canarian time) on Sunday, November 14.

The Cumbre Vieja volcano has been erupting since September 19 after weeks of seismic activity, resulting in millions of euros worth of damage to properties and businesses, as the lava flowed down the mountainside towards the sea.
Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Experts who have been studying the Cumbre Vieja eruption since it first became active on 19 September, seem to be unanimous in their thinking that the volcano is starting to simmer down and is not as powerful as it once was. There was a line of thinking two weeks ago that the beginning of the end was nigh but that proved to be a false conclusion with the volcano still spewing out molten lava on a daily basis.

51 quakes hit La Palma overnight
40 of the minor tremors were felt in Fuencaliente with 11 in Mazo. The most significant registering 3.7 on the Richter Scale.

'We're going to see eruptions in El Hierro, Tenerife or Lanzarote'
One of the key volcanologists analyzing the Cumbre Vieja eruption, María José Blanco, claimed that at some point in the future, we'll volcanic activity on the islands of El Hierro, Tenerife and Lanzarote.
CD Mensajero fall at home
La Palma based soccer side CD Mensajero who play in the fourth tier of Spanish football fell this morning to La Palmas 'B' (1-2) in a local Canary Island derby. The club have also confirmed new fixture dates for all recent games that were postponed as a result of the Cumbre Vieja volcano eruption.
Where are most volcanoes located?
Volcano activity on earth
Volcanoes are found the world over, forming mainly at the edges of tectonic plates but can also arise over “hot spots” such as the one that created the Hawaii Islands. In total there are potentially some 1,500 active volcanoes on Earth according the US Geological Survey. Of those, 51 are now in continuing eruption status, the most recent On La Palma in the Canary Islands.
Many of those volcanoes are located on the “Ring of Fire” which is located all along the Pacific Rim. However, the greatest number of volcanoes are hidden from view deep under water on the ocean floor.
Latest Copernicus La Palma update
The EU's Copernicus earth observatory has released its latest map based on radar imaging, which shows that the lava has advanced 5.5 hectares over the past 36 hours, with two more buildings destroyed on the island, taking the total to 2,618.
La Palma delta now almost 40 hectares
The two deltas being formed off the coast of La Palma by lava flows from Cumbre Vieja have now joined together, according to the National Geographic Institute and the Canary Islands regional government. The delta now covers an area of just under 40 hectares, which is around 400,000 square meters.
La Palma eruption: lava creates new delta as it reaches the sea
Lava flow adds to new delta on La Palma
New cascades of red-hot lava tumbled into the Atlantic Ocean off Spain's La Palma last Wednesday morning, sending up plumes of white smoke and extending a platform of volcanic rock created by earlier flows.
The stream of molten rock from the Cumbre Vieja volcano, which began erupting in mid-September, reached the water near the popular surf spot of Los Guirres beach just before 2 am according to the Transport Ministry.
A video uploaded by Spain's Geology and Mining Institute showed rivers of molten rock sliding into the sea and large rocks rolling down a cliff, causing a cone of debris to emerge from the waterline.

Relief funds slow to arrive on La Palma
DW - The Spanish government had pledged over €250 million to help the island's inhabitants and finance new houses, infrastructure and compensation payments for businesses. But the funds have been slow to arrive.
So far, the regional government has been able to invest only a fraction of the promised money, for example, in housing for evacuees or to provide them with psychological support. Some funds have also gone into setting up new irrigation systems for some banana plantations that are cut off from the water supply.
However, many of the island's residents complain that they have received hardly any of the financial aid so far because its distribution has been excessively bureaucratic.
Meanwhile, Spain is still dragging its heels on seeking funds from the EU disaster management mechanism.
Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
Satellite imagery of new delta on La Palma
The EU's earth observatory, Copernicus, has released satellite imagery from Sentinel-1 that shows the new delta being formed on La Palma as two lava flows from the Cumbre Vieja volcano pour into the Atlantic Ocean. These have now formed one large delta after the second lava flow met up with the first.
"Historical records show eruptions lasting 24 to 84 days ... It would be logical to assume something within those bounds, but we cannot risk [predicting] anything."
Cumbre Vieja on Sunday morning
There had been hopes that the Cumbre Vieja eruption was starting to peter out following a few days of low seismic activity, but a 5.0 magnitude earthquake on Saturday and several smaller tremors suggest that the volcano remains very active.
La Palma eruption: Cumbre Vieja volcano claims life of volunteer
Volunteer clean-up worker killed on La Palma
Almost two months after it first erupted, the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma has claimed its first victim.
According to reports from Spanish news wire EFE, a 70-year-old man was killed while working as a volunteer cleaning up volcanic ash when the roof of the building he was on collapsed. The vast amounts of ash – which consists of fragments of volcanic rock and glass – being emitted from Cumbre Vieja has been carpeting buildings across La Palma, leading the Spanish government to mobilize military personnel to help with the clean-up.
The volunteer, who had the necessary authorization from the Island Council of La Palma to carry out the work on other properties, was on the roof of his own home in the neighbourhood of Corazoncillo on Friday when the accident occurred.

840 earth tremors since 19 September
The Cumbre Vieja volcano first became active almost two months ago with the small Canary Island of La Palma becoming a global talking point on 19 September when the volcano first erupted.
Since that date, the island has experienced over 840 minor earthquakes and tremors as Cumbre Vieja still shows no sign of letting up.

Cumbre Vieja in numbers
Since the Cumbre Vieja volcano first became active on 19 September, more than 7,000 residents of La Palma have been forced to evacuate their homes. Over 2,600 buildings have been severely damaged by lava of which 1,179 are domestic homes.

CB Canarias La Palma shirt on sale
CB Canarias, the major Tenerife-based professional basketball team on the islands, have put their distinctive yellow 'Todos con La Palma' t-shirt on sale via the club's official online store with all money generated via sales of the shirt going towards the La Palma relief fund.
The t-shirts can be purchased for €10 here

Casado makes second La Palma visit
The leader of Spain's main conservative opposition party, the PP's Pablo Casado, made his second visit to the stricken island of La Palma on Saturday to witness at close hand the level of destruction following the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupting in September.
The politician took advantage of the visit to demand that financial aid be administered as soon as possible to help boost the local economy.
Dept of National Security update on lava flow
According to an update released by Spain's Department of National Security early on Sunday, the lava flowing from the erupting Cumbre Vieja volcano now covers a surface area of 1,018.67 hectares.
Cumbre Vieja eruption live updates: welcome
Hello and welcome to our live blog for Sunday 14 November 2021, bringing you the latest news and information on the ongoing eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma.