
The phrase from Djokovic about Nadal that’s worth a thousand views: pay close attention

The Serbian tennis player spoke about Nadal’s recent win at the Australian Open. “I’ve tons of respect for him,” said Djokovic.


Novak Djokovic was forced to watch on TV as Rafa Nadal triumphed at the Australian Open and with that victory went clear in the race for the most Grand Slam titles of all time, with Nadal now on 21 and Djokovic and Federer on 20.

Djokovic had been due to play in the Australian Open, but his decision not to get vaccinated led to the Australian government cancelling his visa and deporting him. The Serbian player said he’s not part of the anti-vax movement, but supports individuals’ right to choose.

Djokovic has "tons of respect" for Nadal

Djokovic though holds no grudge about his rival Nadal taking the title, saying: “Congratulations to Rafa. Incredible performance, amazing fighter. He said it, it’s one of the biggest wins of his life, in the circumstances, coming back after injury, I’ve got tons of respect for him, so I don’t want to take anything away from his victory, with me not participating in the tournament, of course it wasn’t a pleasant feeling for me, leaving the country the way I did, and watching the tournament from far away.”

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