Sophie Turner mistakenly posted a video of daughter on Instagram

Sophie Turner quickly took the post down after realizing her mistake.

Associated Press/LaPresse

‘Game of Thrones’ actress Sophie Turner posted a video on Monday morning of her oldest daughter, Willa, on her Instagram stories. Upon realizing what she had posted, Turner immediately took it down, calling it an “honest mistake”.

Turner and her husband Joe Jonas strongly believe in maintaining privacy for their children. Their daughter Willa is 2 years old, and the couple also has a nine-month-old baby girl, but have not given her name to the public.

Both Turner and Jonas began their careers in the spotlight fairly young, and want their children to grow up with the opportunity of having a normal upbringing. They avoid posting family content on any public platform and maintain a very private home life.

Sophie Turner issues apology on Instagram

After taking the video down, Turner posted a message on Instagram doubling down on her and Jonas’ stance of keeping her children off of their social media.

“Earlier today I made an honest mistake accidentally posting a video of our daughter on Instagram stories,” Turner wrote.

“We have always advocated for our kids’ rights to privacy so sharing this publicly is something that is against anything I stand for. Our children deserve the right to grow up out of the public eye, to learn and grow in private.”

She also asks the public to please take it down if posted elsewhere.

“If I ever were to post anything of our kids, know that it is unquestionably a mistake. I would greatly appreciate if anyone who has reposted on any of other platform, please delete the video.”

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner want to avoid becoming a ‘celebrity couple’

Last year, Turner spoke at length with Elle Magazine about her views on keeping her children out of the prying eyes of the public. But her children aren’t the only ones staying away from too much publicity - she and Jonas are also very intentional with their public appearances.

“Every time Joe and I do a red carpet together, we make sure it’s for the right reason and makes sense for our careers,” she told Elle.

“You never want to market yourself as a celebrity couple. It’s not that cool.”

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