Royal Family

What does Prince Harry want before committing to King Charles’ Coronation?

It’s reported Prince Harry won’t attend King Charles’ coronation unless his condition is met.


With King Charles’ upcoming coronation, many have wondered if Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle will be in attendance. However, it’s reported Harry refuses to commit to the coronation unless he receives an apology from Charles and brother Prince William.

Harry has accused others in the royal family of leaking and planting stories about the couple to media outlets. Thus, he believes he is owed a private apology for the way he and Meghan were treated when they were working members of the royal family.

Omid Scobie, royal commenter, wrote: “No one, no matter how well-sourced, knows [the Sussexes’] plans” for the coronation.”

A source told The Times that Harry wants an apology from Charles and William. However, the outlet adds that the King is “more than happy to sit down and have a conversation with [Harry] about everything that has happened.

“But it would not be a one-way street. He would be happy to talk and listen and understand. He has always tried to understand his son, even if he might not agree with him.”

Trouble in paradise

Tension between members of the royal family have only heightened since Harry and Meghan relinquished their royal duties. Prince Harry’s memoir “Spare” and the 6-part documentary series on Netflix titled “Harry & Meghan” have added to the complicated relationship.

Both Harry’s memoir and the Netflix series have made less than favorable allegations toward the royal family.

In the docuseries Meghan claimed that she “wasn’t being thrown to the wolves; I was being fed to the wolves.”

A source told the Daily Mail: “The relationship [between William and Harry] isn’t even rock bottom now, it’s non-existent. And I just don’t see, if Harry were to come to the coronation, how William could even bring himself to look his brother in the face.”

Even if Prince Harry does attend the coronation, it is unknown if Meghan will accompany him.

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