2022 Midterm Elections: Where to vote in Colorado? When do your designated polls open and close?

WIth control of Congress up for grabs, the Democrats will be desperate to maintain their representatives from Colorado in the House and Senate.


The latest figures published by the United States Election Project show that more than 40 million early votes have already been cast in the 2022 midterm elections, over one million in Colorado. The national numbers are on track to beat the record midterm turnout seen in 2018, highlighting the vital nature of this year’s elections.

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The Democrats have enjoyed unified control in Washington for the past two years but the Republicans are now confident of flipping at least one of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

States like Colorado have important races right down the ballot, with the governor’s office and control of the state legislature up for grabs in addition to the Congressional roles.

Here’s everything you need to know about the midterms in Colorado …

Key midterm races in Colorado

With the Senate currently split 50/50, any seat up for re-election this cycle has the potential to be crucial. In Colorado incumbent Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet is the odds-on favourite to win again. If first-time candidate Joe O’Dea were to flip the seat for the Republicans it would almost certainly mean the Senate turning Red.

Of the state’s eight House seat, the newly-drawn 8th District looks like being the closest with Republican state Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer facing off against Democrat Yadira Caraveo. The eight-person delegation is currently split 4-4, but there are more registered Democrats in Colorado.

On a state level Gov. Jared Polis is hoping to secure a secure term in the governor’s office and holds a 14-point lead over GOP challenger Heidi Ganahl. Further down the ballot, however, the Republicans have a better chance in the secretary of state and treasurer races, and could even flip the state Senate if they are able to take four seats.

How can I vote in Colorado’s midterm elections?

Colorado offers both early and mail-in voting, but the deadline to request a mail-in ballot has now passed. If you have a mail-in ballot you will need to mail it back or submit it at a drop-box before Election Day on 8 November.

Voting in person began on 24 October and continues until Tuesday 8 November. Ballots are due by 7pm local time.

If you are not yet registered to vote in Colorado but you satisfy all the requirements you can do so up until Election Day. Early voting is now open in the state, but bear in mind that your early vote location may be different to where you vote on Election Day. You can check your voting location on the Colorado election website.

Where do I drop off my ballot in Colorado?

Find out Drop Boxes and Voting Locations near you by entering your registered residential address in the official government page.

What do I need to bring to vote in Colorado?

Colorado is one of a number of states that requires residents provide a form of ID to vote. Accepted documents include:

- state-issued driver’s license

- valid ID card issued by the Department of Revenue

- US passport

- employee photo ID issued by either US or Colorado government

- pilot’s license issued by US agency

- US military photo ID

- ID card issued by a federally recognized tribal government

- Medicare or Medicaid card

- US birth certificate

- certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaskan Native Blood

- certified documentation of naturalization

- Colorado-issued student photo ID

- veteran’s photo ID issued by the VA

- current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document showing name and address (no more than 60 days old)

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