Check out NASA’s stunning space photo captured on your birthday

Just enter the day your were born (or other special date) into NASA’s new tool and see the amazing photo that the Hubble Space Telescope took.


NASA maintains its commitment to bring its missions, discoveries, and research closer to the everyday user. After recently launching an app similar to Netflix, packed with content, now it invites you to take a look at everything captured by the Hubble Space Telescope on the exact day of your birthday.

Special NASA image for your special day

To try it out for yourself, all you have to do is access this link from your PC, mobile, or tablet, enter the month and day of your birthday - or any special date for you - and click the “Submit” button. Boom! The image will appear, and you can download it. Below we show you an example. Beautiful, isn’t it?

NASA image

Send your name to the Moon

Another of NASA’s interesting initiatives designed to connect with people is the opportunity to send a boarding pass with your name to our Moon. Your personalized pass will be on board the VIPER Rover on a mission scheduled for the latter part of 2024.

As the space agency explains:

“VIPER will be NASA’s first robotic Moon rover. It will embark on a mission to the lunar South Pole region to trek into permanently shadowed areas and unravel the mysteries of the Moon’s water. VIPER will be the first rover to measure the location and concentration of water ice and other resources. These resources could eventually be harvested to sustain human exploration on the Moon, Mars — and beyond!”

You have until March 15th to sign up for the list, and you can do so by visiting here.

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