DeSantis vs. Newson: time, how and where to watch the gubernatorial debate online and on TV
Governors of two of the largest states in the US will go head to head in a debate on Thursday night. How to watch...

It is unclear why Ron DeSantis, a current presidential candidate, has decided to debate Gavin Newsom, the governor of California. Nevertheless, both teams are gearing up for a televised showdown on Thursday, November 30th. DeSantis and Newsom won their respective elections in 2022 by a significant margin and are both considered to be future leaders of their respective parties. The two leaders are expected to discuss a range of topics, including economic issues, immigration, foreign policy, and other issues where the two major parties have contrasting policy views.
The debate will be a small-scale event with no studio audience, moderated by Fox News host Sean Hannity, who has a friendly relationship with both governors. The program will commence at 9 PM EST on Thursday from Alpharetta, Georgia. The debate will last ninety minutes.
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How to view on TV
Unlike the GOP debates, which have been widely available to the public, this debate will only be available behind a paywall. Those with a cable subscription will be able to view the discussion on the Fox News Channel, and it will also be broadcast on Fox News Radio for those who prefer an audio-only experience.
How to stream
To stream the debate, one will need a valid cable subscription that grants them to all paywalled content on FoxNews.com.
A look at both governors
Gov. DeSantis has made a name for himself as a staunchly conservative culture warrior, while Gov. Newsom leads the country’s most populous state and takes a moderate approach to California politics. Neither a champion of progressive policies nor willing to outright distance himself from him, his ideology is often tied to the interests that have backed his political career.
In terms of donations from various industries and organizations, there is some overlap between the two leaders.
In the four state-wide races Gavin Newsom has run, the largest contributions, totaling $10 million have come from the insurance and real estate industry, followed by labor which contributed $7 million, and communications and electronics which donated around $5.7 million.
In the five national and state-wide races that DeSantis has participated in, the insurance and real estate sector has been his biggest supporter. The total donations given to him add up to $42 million, which is four times more than what Newsom received. This is not surprising since DeSantis ran for the US Congress three times. The second largest group of donors fall under the category of ‘ideology and single issue’ with a contribution of $32 million, followed by ‘general business’ with $26 million.