How much do you have to tip in bars, restaurants, hotels, etc.? This is what the experts say

The tricky question of tipping when you’re out has finally been answered by the experts: here’s how much is expected.


It’s always tricky, tipping. What is I give too much? What if I don’t give enough? Now, with the ‘help’ of technology, tipping has become even more awkward: no longer can you just leave the money on the table and go - the options of how much to tip are right there on the waiter/waitresses iPad! Do I go for 10%? What about 20%? More? Oh, the anxiety...

Well, do not fear, the question of how much to tip has finally been answered. The experts have spoken and the answer is simple. Whether you are in a bar, restaurant, hotel or coffee shop after the gym, tipping is not to be a part of your day that causes you recently exercised glute muscles to clench. Here’s how it works...

Paying for drinks is often made awkward by the unknown tip amount.JUSTIN TALLISAFP

How much should I tip in the United States?

If you’re in the United States, tipping is seen as a common practice. While in the UK, tipping is entirely optional and not expected in general, quick exchanges such as buying a coffee or a pizza, things are not the same across the pond. Customer tips make up the difference for American tipped workers, who are often servers, bartenders and other hospitality staff earning a wage significantly lower than the average federal minimum wage.

Tipping in a restaurant

Industry experts recommend tipping somewhere between 15% to 20% on your bill when you have a sit-down meal at a restaurant. Of course, this type of tip is implicitly dependent on the experience - it’s not the same as saying ‘thank you’ to someone delivering food to your door - but nevertheless the low wages of the worker should be kept in mind.

The question of tipping at fast food restaurants is always a tough one.JOSHUA ROBERTSREUTERS

Tipping a delivery driver

Since we’ve just mentioned them, let’s take delivery drivers next. The standard tip for a person on a moped who has a pizza in the box on the back is around $5 minimum. However, if the driver has had a particularly large order that they have struggled up three floors to get to your apartment, then maybe something around the 15% mark would be recommended. And always a ‘thank you’.

How much should I tip at the bar?

The same goes for a drink at the bar: if it’s nothing special then there’s no need to worry about percentages, a dollar or two will suffice. However, make sure to leave 15-20% if your order is anything more substantial than that, say you’re buying something to eat on the side.

Sometimes just a dollar is enough of a tip if you're ordering a Coke at a bar.Dado RuvicREUTERS

Should I tip if I have had a bad experience?

Every experience is different, and if the person serving has genuinely treated you in a subpar way, then a quiet word may be better than taking their wages away. It’s recommended to still tip even if your experience hasn’t been one you’ll write home about, as not everything is the fault of the person handing you your food.

What about tipping baristas?

The fear I mentioned at the beginning - tipping, or rather tapping the iPad screen to add an extra dollar to your bill for a coffee that you’re desperate for - is not absolutely necessary. Sure, the gesture is always a kind and welcome one, but remember that tipping ultimately does come down to service and the in-and-out experience in a fast food drive-thru or coffee shop might just fall short of creating that connection with your host.

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