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What are Nostradamus predictions for 2023?

Among other things, the soothsayer predicts a mission to Mars, the resignation of Pope Francis, and a new world order in the New Year.

Among other things, the soothsayer predicts a mission to Mars, the resignation of Pope Francis, and a new world order in the New Year.

Michel de Notre-Dame, as we all know as Nostradamus, was an apothecary by profession, and published in the year 1555 a book called Les Prophéties (The Prophecies). In his collection of 942 poetic quatrains, he predicted various future events that experts, and many amateurs, find a way of interpreting into related events occurring in the present day.

Among the great historical events that supposedly were anticipated by Nostradamus are the great fire that devastated London in the year 1566, which took place 10 years after the publication of the book, and the assassination of Henry IV of France in 1610. Other events such as the atomic bombs that the United States dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the assassination of JFK, Hitler’s rise to power and the French Revolution, were also aligned rather neatly to his often vague musings.

Nostradamus predictions for 2023

The most recent episode linked to his book was the death of the Queen of England in September and the coronation of Charles III. “After the sudden death of the first character, it will be changed and they will put another in his kingdom”, his words roughly translate to. Therefore, as we head into the new year, our attention once again turns to the famous book.

Among the most relevant predictions for 2023, the following stand out:

  • Resignation of Pope Francis: during the next few months of 2023, Pope Francis will leave his post. His prophecy indicates that his place would be taken by a very dark and dangerous man who will cause “a scandal”. Like the catholic church hasn’t had enough of those already!
  • Explosion of a nuclear bomb and climate change: this will cause a great depopulation in many countries, especially in Europe. “For forty years the rainbow will not appear. For forty years it will be seen every day. The dry land will become drier and there will be great floods.” We can continue to copy/paste that one every 12 months!
  • Mission to Mars: in a fragment of a quatrain of his prophecies, he suggests that “a light would fall on Mars”. It should be remembered that the American businessman, Elon Musk, has stated publicly and on several occasions, that he hopes to land on Mars in 2029. And with NASA’s renewed movements towards the Moon and onwards...
  • Great crisis in the United States: the seer is said to have predicted more conflicts in 2023, as well as instability and social discontent in the great country of the north. More ctrl-V action it seems.
  • New world order: he refers to the union of two forces, one masculine and the other feminine. In his words, “their alliance will be short-lived, as will its good effects.” Expect numerous examples tying this to news stories across the year.

Who is Nostradamus?

Nostradamus was a passionate traveler who, during his many tours of France, contacted witches, healers and fortune tellers, who transmitted their knowledge of the stars to him. Starting in 1555, Nostradamus began to write his forecasts in the form of quatrains, a four line, often rhyming, stanza. Since each book contained exactly one hundred of these four-verse combinations, he called them ‘centuries’.

After his death in 1566, and to this day, Nostradamus has always been remembered as the quintessential astronomer and soothsayer and his works have attracted multitudes of readers in search of supposed predictions of events that occurred years later. His name has transcended for centuries and continues to generate mystery and expectations in the face of each event that shakes and revolutionizes the world.

Clearly, by keeping most of his writings as vague as possible, interpretations are plentiful...