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What are some of this year’s best sports-related Halloween costumes?

Halloween costumes don’t just need to be of ghosts and ghouls, showing off your fandom of a favorite athlete or other sports-related kit can also be a hit.

Best sports-related Halloween costumes in 2022
Greg Heilman

While we traditionally think of dressing up as ghost and ghouls for Halloween with a little creativity you can make a splash without scaring the little ones. Sports-related costumes based on your favorite athlete or game whether real or from the movies and TV can impress your friends and family.

If your having difficulty coming up with some ideas, we have you covered. Here are some costumes for sports fans that you can don this Halloween.

Baseball costumes

For those that want to go vintage this year you can get some inspiration from pop culture. A League of Their Own got a remake this year coming out as a new TV series on Amazon Prime Video.

Those that would like to pay homage to the World Series currently taking place between the Huston Astros and the Philadelphia Phillies can put their team’s baseball kit to work. But you don’t need to limit it to dressing up as your favorite player, opt for donning an umpire’s outfit instead. Or you could even get an inflatable baseball costume as well.

Soccer costumes

For more topical inspiration you could look to the 2022 World Cup which is set to kick off at the end of November. With a bit of creativity, a white sheet and a black cord you could dress up as La’eeb, the mascot for the games taking place in Qatar. The word is Arabic for super-skilled player and the indescribable character leaves room for interpretation.

What are some of this year’s best sports-related Halloween costumes?
2022 World Cup mascot La'eeb and emblem Future Publishing

Football costumes

Grabbing some shoulder pads, a team uniform and helmet and your set to go out as your favorite player. Cheerleader is also an oldie but goodie, while the most famous are the Dallas Cowboys, the Denver Broncos cheerleaders have some flare with the tasseled chaps.

What are some of this year’s best sports-related Halloween costumes?
Denver Broncos cheerleader Justin Edmonds

Cultural sports costumes

If you like colorful outfits and really tight pants, you could dress up as a bullfighter. If you need to do a group outfit your partner or partners can dress up as the bull. Along the lines of the inflatable baseball, sumo costumes can be a load of fun, just careful getting through doors and sharp objects.

What are some of this year’s best sports-related Halloween costumes?
Mexican bullfighter Ruben Nuñez CRIS BOURONCLE

Costumes based on the movies and pop culture

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For those of you that like to be the comic at the Halloween party there have been number of comedies about sports. One crowd favorite is ‘Talladega Nights’ with Ricky Bobby, Cal Naughton and Jean Girard. You can also throw together your own NASCAR get-up to catch the attention of everyone at the party.

Ben Stiller’s Dodgeball can be a good option to get decked out for a solo act or going as a group of misfits.

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