What is a doomsday plane, and what is it used for?
With all the conflict going on in the world, there have been reports of doomsday planes being spotted. What is this aircraft and when is it deployed?

Tensions are currently high in various parts of the world, and the internet is even quicker than usual to spread rumors of movements that could indicate any form of escalation. CNN has reported that Sierra Nevada Corportation has purchased five Boeing 747 passenger planes from Korean Air to convert them into Doomsday planes.
For example, the internet has been rife with unconfirmed reports of so-called “doomsday planes” being spotted in different parts of the world.
What is a doomsday plane, and what is it used for?
A doomsday plane, formally known as an airborne command post, is an aircraft specifically designed to serve as a mobile command center for high-ranking government and military officials during times of national emergency or nuclear war.
These aircraft are equipped with advanced communication systems, secure data links, and other technologies that allow government leaders to maintain command and control capabilities even if ground-based command centers are incapacitated or destroyed.
Doomsday planes are designed to be highly resilient and capable of operating in extreme conditions, including nuclear fallout and electromagnetic pulses that could disrupt electronic communications.
They are heavily armored and equipped with redundant systems to ensure survivability and continuity of government operations in the event of a catastrophic event. They are built to stay airborne for days without needing to refuel.
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The E-4B Nightwatch
The most well-known example of a doomsday plane is the United States’ Boeing E-4B, also known as the National Airborne Operations Center.
The E-4B is based on the Boeing 747 aircraft and is operated by the US Air Force. It serves as a flying command post for the president, secretary of defense, and other key government and military officials during times of crisis.
The interior of the E-4B Nightwatch houses a network of rooms and specialized areas, designed to accommodate up to 112 people. Divided into three levels and six different sections, the aircraft has command work areas, soundproof conference rooms equipped with video screens, rest areas with bunk beds and large seats, as well as spaces dedicated to communication and technical control.
Equipped with traditional analog flight instruments, the E-4B Nightwatch ensures continuous operability even in extreme conditions, thus protecting the integrity of its critical functions.
Other countries, including Russia, China, and the United Kingdom, also operate similar aircraft designed to provide continuity of government and command and control capabilities during national emergencies.
Doomsday planes are fortunately rarely used, though they play a crucial role in ensuring the resilience and survivability of government operations in the face of catastrophic events.