What is International Charity Day and what is the objective?
September 5 was declared the International Day of Charity to sensitize and mobilize people to help others through volunteer and philanthropic activities.

The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer: this divide between the top 1% and the rest of the world has become impossible to bridge.
According to an Oxfam report, the richest 1% bagged nearly two-thirds of all new wealth created since 2020, amounting to $42 trillion. This number is almost twice as much money as what the bottom 99% of the world’s population earned put together.
The discrepancy between the haves and the have-nots of the world is just one of the issues that the United Nations wishes to bring attention to with the declaration of International Charity Day.
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The occasion is observed on September 5 each year, a date chosen to commemorate the death anniversary of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who received the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in fighting poverty and alleviating human suffering.
The UN designated the day to raise awareness of the importance of charitable activities and to encourage people, organizations, and governments worldwide to address various social and humanitarian issues facing the planet.
The International Day of Charity has several lofty objectives.
Promote charitable giving
The day aims to inspire individuals and communities to donate their time, money, skills, or resources to charitable causes. It emphasizes the significance of generosity and helping those in need.
Raise awareness
International Charity Day highlights the existence of numerous social and humanitarian challenges, including poverty, hunger, disease, education inequality, and more. By raising awareness, it encourages people to become informed about these issues and take action to address them.
Encourage collaboration
The day promotes collaboration among governments, non-governmental organizations, charitable foundations, businesses, and individuals. These stakeholders can amplify their impact and achieve more significant outcomes if they work together.
Celebrate philanthropy
International Charity Day serves as an occasion to recognize the efforts of individuals and organizations that contribute to charitable causes, and encourages others to follow suit.
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Advocate for sustainable development
The day aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to tackle global challenges and improve the well-being of people and the planet.
Promote compassion and empathy
International Charity Day promotes the values of compassion, empathy, and solidarity and encourages people to consider the well-being of others and take action to alleviate suffering and injustice.
Highlight the importance of volunteering
Volunteering is a significant aspect of charitable activities. This day underscores the value of volunteering and encourages individuals to dedicate their time and skills to humanitarian causes.
Fundraising for charities
Many charitable organizations and NGOs use International Charity Day as an opportunity to conduct fundraising campaigns and events to support their work and projects.