When did Memorial Day become a federal holiday?

Memorial Day is considered the unofficial start of summer as school wraps up and people enjoy the three-day weekend. When did it become a federal holiday?


On Monday, May 27, 2024, Memorial Day will be observed across the United States. While many will enjoy the day off with barbecues and pool parties, some may also be curious to learn about the history and significance of this solemn occasion. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have served the country and to honor their memory.

Many historians agree that Memorial Day originated during or shortly after the Civil War. Although it is unclear which specific location first began celebrating, the tradition was established as a means of honoring fallen soldiers.

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Memorial Day and the American Civil War

The Civil War in the U.S., which lasted from 1861 through 1865, is the bloodiest conflict in the nation’s history. With all those killed belonging to the United States, estimates range from anywhere between 600,000 to one million casualties, including 50,000 civilian deaths.

Historians trace the holiday’s roots to many women who adorned the burial sites of soldiers who lost their lives during the American Civil War. These acts of remembrance were solemn in nature and inspired women’s groups like the Ladies’ Memorial Association to create other occasions to honor the South’s contributions and the Confederacy as a whole. Today, three states- Alabama, Mississippi, and South Carolina- celebrate Confederate Memorial Day as a public holiday. Other states, including Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee, also have a day to commemorate the Confederacy, but state offices remain open.

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Darrell Bush, a WWII veteran, places a flower with his wife at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in Arlington, Virgina.Alex BrandonAFP

According to the Veterans Administration, in 1869, the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization made up of Union veterans, established “Decoration Day” as a day to decorate the graves of those who had died in the Civil War. The date of 30 May was chosen as it was believed that “flowers would be in bloom all over the country. Doylestown, Pennsylvania, has the longest-running Memorial Day parade, which has taken place since 1868.

Federal holiday status- When did Memorial Day become a federal holiday?

It wasn’t until after World War I that Memorial Day expanded to commemorate the fallen service members from all wars. Prior to 1971, the celebration was observed on May 30th. However, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which took effect in that year, established Memorial Day as a federal holiday that would be observed on the last Monday in May. The occasion was included as one of four federal holidays that were moved to Mondays to create three-day weekends for federal employees.

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