Where did the green meteorite seen over Spain and Portugal land?
With thoughts of a scene from an early Superman film, video footage on Saturday night captured the imagination of sky gazers everywhere.

Thanks to everyone having a portable camera on hand these days, a number of stunning moments of footage were captured as what looked like a greeny-blue fireball thundered towards Earth. Following the images being shared on social media, we have since had it confirmed by the Portuguese Civil Defense agency that it was caused by a meteorite, which landed in the Portuguese town of Pinheiro.
A Proteção Civil dá conta da queda de um meteorito na freguesia de Pinheiro, em Castro Daire. Contactados pela rádio TSF, os Bombeiros Voluntários de Castro Daire confirmaram a ocorrência.
— Expresso (@expresso) May 19, 2024
Leia mais: https://t.co/hzbtTi98N7 pic.twitter.com/KRLvcozarj
Where is Pinheiro?
The town of Pinheiro sits in the district of Porto, around a 40 minute drive from the beautiful Portuguese city towards the north of the country.

Footage of the meteorite
Mais um vídeo mostrando o meteoro que rasgou os céus de Portugal e Espanha, relatos dizem que a prefeitura de Pinheiro confirmou a queda de meteorito!!! pic.twitter.com/AdWMlfWSyn
— Sacani (Space Today) - AKA Gordão Foguetes (@SpaceToday1) May 19, 2024
The Portuguese Civil Defense agency has confirmed a meteorite fell in the town of Pinheir. pic.twitter.com/tkQ7RrKPxK
— 9mmSMG (@9mm_smg) May 19, 2024
Grande meteora illumina il cielo del Portogallo e cade nella località di Pinheiro, nel comune di Castro Daire @ultimoranet pic.twitter.com/n4jGVh2jhH
— Ultimora.net (@ultimoranet) May 19, 2024
As well as marvelling at the spectacle, social media users were quick to take a more amusing slant on the glowing ball approaching land. One such take was comparing it to the moment a baby Superman arrived in the original movie after escaping Krypton, being adopted by a local farming couple. There was also a post on X suggesting that someone was immediately selling a piece of the meteorite on Facebook, for half a million dollars.
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