Who is Ursula von der Leyen and what does the EU President do?

Ursula von der Leyen has been the president of the European Commission since 2019, and the first woman to preside over the institution has been reelected.

Johanna GeronREUTERS

On Thursday, Ursula von der Leyen secured backing from EU legislators for a second five-year tenure as president of the European Commission, the EU’s influential executive arm. The European Parliament, comprising 720 members, endorsed her with 401 votes in favour, 284 opposed, and 15 abstentions. The required threshold for approval was 361 votes.

Von der Leyen (née Albrecht) made history in 2019 by becoming the first woman to lead this prestigious European Union institution. Born in 1958 in Ixelles, Brussels, her father, Ernst Albrecht, was one of the first European officials, eventually becoming the minister-president of Lower Saxony and later the Director-General of the European Commission. Her family has always been involved in the political world.

She began her studies in Economics in London. However, she left the course to enroll in Medicine. Von der Leyen returned to Hanover, where her family had moved years earlier. At the new university, she met her husband, Heiko von der Leyen. A year after marrying and giving birth to her first child, the family moved to California, where her husband had received a job at Stanford University.

Von der Leyen’s professional and political career

Ursula began working in a hospital and did not enter politics until 2003. In her first attempt, she was elected as a deputy to the Parliament of Lower Saxony. She was also appointed Minister of Social Affairs and Health. German Chancellor Angela Merkel later appointed her as Federal Minister for Family Affairs. Von der Leyen subsequently became the Federal Minister of Labor, and in 2013, she assumed another significant role: Merkel appointed her as Minister of Defense.

The pinnacle of her career, though, came in 2019 when she became the EU President, breaking through another ceiling for women.

What does the President of the European Union do?

The President of the European Commission, commonly referred to as the EU President, clearly holds a critical role within the European Union. This position entails leading and representing the Commission in its dealings with other EU institutions, member states, and international bodies. The President plays a key part in setting the EU’s strategic direction and coordinating policy initiatives.

One of the President’s primary responsibilities is to oversee the initiation and coordination of EU policies and legislation. This ensures that the Commission’s proposals align with the Union’s strategic goals. The President also manages the implementation and enforcement of EU laws, guaranteeing that member states adhere to these regulations.

In addition, the President oversees the preparation and execution of the EU budget, ensuring financial resources are allocated effectively. They play a crucial role in managing crises, whether economic, political, or social, that impact the EU.

On the international stage, the President represents the EU in forums, negotiates agreements, and works to enhance the Union’s global partnerships. Internally, the President organizes and chairs meetings of the College of Commissioners, ensuring the Commission operates cohesively and efficiently.

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