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Why is Palm Sunday important? Date, symbols and meaning

Holy Week, one of the most important weeks in the Christian calendar, kicks off with Palm Sunday, which commemorates Jesus entering Jerusalem.

The importance and symbology of Palm Sunday
Maynor ValenzuelaREUTERS

The most important period on the Christian calendar, Holy Week, begins with Palm Sunday. Also known as Passion Sunday, it commemorates when Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem as Savior and King.

It doesn’t fall on the same day every year, being determined by when Easter will be celebrated. That day is set as the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox for Protestants and Roman Catholics. Orthodox Easter is the Sunday following the first full moon after Passover.

This year Palm Sunday falls on 24 March for Protestants and Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church will celebrate Palm Sunday on 28 April this year.

Why is Palm Sunday important?

As mentioned, it is the start of Holy Week which commemorates the final days of Jesus Christ on Earth. Each of the successive seven days marks a specific event from the time he entered Jerusalem until his dies on the cross and is then resurrected.

Palm Sunday is also referred to as Passion Sunday as the Passion of Christ, an account of the final events in Jesus’ life, is read during the liturgy. The day has its own symbolism in the form of the donkey and the palm branches.

The donkey is a beast of burden that symbolizes service, suffering, peace and humility. Palm leaves throughout time have represented victory with integrity as well as peace, joy and eternal life.

When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem triumphantly, he was mounted on the back of a donkey. The crowds that gathered along the road to welcome him as their Savior and King laid palm branches and cloaks before him.

The crowds shouted to Jesus: “Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

It was customary in the ancient world to welcome home a king by placing palm branches on the ground for them to pass over. For Palm Sunday, as palm trees do not grow everywhere, olive, willow, fir and other branches can also be used as well.
