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Pokémon Legends Arceus Pokédex: All Hisui's Pokémon

We list all the Pokémon that we can find and capture in Pokémon Arceus Legends to complete the Pokédex of the Hisui region 100%.

Pokémon Legends Arceus Pokédex: All Hisui's Pokémon

Pokémon Arceus Legends is now available worldwide only on Nintendo Switch. Game Freak's new adventure is one of the most complete and exciting to date; not only because it tells us the origin of the entire universe of the Pocket Monsters, but also because of the leap it brings us at a playable level.

There are so many secrets to discover that dozens of hours await us if we want to catch them all.In this article we review all the Pokémon available in Hisui's Pokédex, revisiting the vast region of what was once known as the mythical Sinnoh. And you, have you seen the true ending? You will only be able to see it when you capture them all.

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How many Pokémon are there in Pokémon Legends Arceus?

The first thing you should know is that Pokémon Legends Arceus has a total of 242 Pokémon, including Arceus. This list includes the regional forms of creatures that already exist in other regions; but for different reasons, they have adopted a different form from other places on the planet. In fact, some evolutions are only in Hisui, such as Ursaluna, Kleavor, Wyrdeer or Basculegion.

All Hisui's Pokémon: Complete Pokédex

  1. Rowlet
  2. Dartrix
  3. Decidueye
  4. Cyndaquil
  5. Quilava
  6. Thyphlosion
  7. Oshawott
  8. Dewott
  9. Samurott
  10. Bidoof
  11. Bibarel
  12. Starly
  13. Staravia
  14. Staraptor
  15. Shinx
  16. Luxio
  17. Luxray
  18. Wurmple
  19. Silcoon
  20. Beautifly
  21. Cascoon
  22. Dustox
  23. Ponyta
  24. Rapidash
  25. Eevee
  26. Vaporeon
  27. Jolteon
  28. Flareon
  29. Espeon
  30. Umbreon
  31. Leafeon
  32. Glaceon
  33. Sylveon
  34. Zubat
  35. Golbat
  36. Crobat
  37. Drifloon
  38. Drifblim
  39. Kricketot
  40. Kricketune
  41. Buizel
  42. Floatzel
  43. Burmy
  44. Wormadam
  45. Mothim
  46. Geodude
  47. Graveler
  48. Golem
  49. Stantlet
  50. Wyrdeer
  51. Munchlax
  52. Snorlax
  53. Paras
  54. Parasect
  55. Pichu
  56. Pikachu
  57. Raichu
  58. Abra
  59. Kadabra
  60. Alakazam
  61. Chimchar
  62. Monferno
  63. Infernape
  64. Buneary
  65. Lopunny
  66. Cherubi
  67. Cherrim
  68. Psyduck
  69. Golduck
  70. Combee
  71. Vespiqueen
  72. Scyther
  73. Kleavor
  74. Scizor
  75. Heracross
  76. Mime Jr.
  77. Mr. Mime
  78. Aipom
  79. Ambipom
  80. Agikarp
  81. Gyarados
  82. Shellos
  83. Gastrodon
  84. Qwilfish
  85. Overqwil
  86. Happiny
  87. Chansey
  88. Blissey
  89. Budew
  90. Roselia
  91. Roserade
  92. Carnivine
  93. Petitil
  94. Lilligant
  95. Tangela
  96. Tangrowth
  97. Barboach
  98. Wishcash
  99. Croagunk
  100. Toxicroak
  101. Ralts
  102. Kirlia
  103. Gardevoir
  104. Gallade
  105. Yanma
  106. Yanmega
  107. Hippopotas
  108. Hippowdon
  109. Pachirisu
  110. Stunky
  111. Stuntank
  112. Teddiursa
  113. Ursaring
  114. Ursaluna
  115. Goomy
  116. Sliggo
  117. Goodra
  118. Onix
  119. Steelix
  120. Rhyhorn
  121. Rhydon
  122. Rhyperior
  123. Bonsly
  124. Sudowoodo
  125. Lickitung
  126. Lickilicky
  127. Togepi
  128. Togetic
  129. Togekiss
  130. Turtwig
  131. Grotle
  132. Torterra
  133. Porygon
  134. Porygon2
  135. Porygon-Z
  136. Gastly
  137. Haunter
  138. Gengar
  139. Spiritomb
  140. Murkrow
  141. Honchkrow
  142. Unown
  143. Spheal
  144. Sealeo
  145. Walrein
  146. Remoraid
  147. Octillery
  148. Skorupi
  149. Drapion
  150. Growlithe
  151. Arcanine
  152. Glameow
  153. Purugly
  154. Machop
  155. Machoke
  156. Machamp
  157. Chatot
  158. Duskull
  159. Dusclops
  160. Dusknoir
  161. Piplup
  162. Prinplup
  163. Empoleon
  164. Mantyke
  165. Mantine
  166. Basculin
  167. Basculegion
  168. Vulpix
  169. Ninetales
  170. Tentacool
  171. Tentacruel
  172. Finneon
  173. Lumineon
  174. Magby
  175. Magmar
  176. Magmortar
  177. Magnemite
  178. Magneton
  179. Magnezone
  180. Bronzor
  181. Bronzong
  182. Elekid
  183. Electabuzz
  184. Electivire
  185. Gligar
  186. Gliscor
  187. Gible
  188. Gabite
  189. Garchomp
  190. Nosepass
  191. Probopass
  192. Voltorb
  193. Electrode
  194. Rotom
  195. Chingling
  196. Chimecho
  197. Misdreavus
  198. Mismagius
  199. Cleffa
  200. Clefairy
  201. Clefable
  202. Sneasel
  203. Sneasler
  204. Weavile
  205. Snorunt
  206. Glalie
  207. Froslass
  208. Cranidos
  209. Rampardos
  210. Shieldon
  211. Rastiodon
  212. Swinub
  213. Piloswine
  214. Mamoswine
  215. Bergmite
  216. Avalugg
  217. Snover
  218. Abomasnow
  219. Zorua
  220. Zoroark
  221. Rufflet
  222. Braviary
  223. Riolu
  224. Lucario
  225. Uxie
  226. Mesprit
  227. Azelf
  228. Heatran
  229. Regigigas
  230. Cresselia
  231. Tornadus
  232. Thundurus
  233. Landorus
  234. Enamorus
  235. Dialga
  236. Palkia
  237. Giratina
  238. Arceus
  239. Phione
  240. Manaphy
  241. Shaymin
  242. Darkrai

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