The Future
Halo Infinite, 2022 roadmap: all seasons and content updates
343 Industries unveils Halo Infinite's roadmap for the remainder of the year. New events, features, skins and more will arrive in 2022.

Halo Infinite points out the contents it will receive in the remainder of 2022. From 343 Industries they share a roadmap that leaves us with two big headlines: the six months per season will continue and the new goal they are aiming for with features such as campaign co-op and Forge.
Halo Infinite 2022 Roadmap: seasons and contents
Season 2: Lone Wolves - May 3 through November 7
- New maps: Catalyst and Breaker - May 3rd
- New game modes: King of the Hill, Land Grab and Last Spartan Standing - May 3rd
- Lone Wolves Battle Pass - May 3rd
- Narrative Event: Interference - May 3 to May 16
- Fracture event: Entreched, first week - May 24 to May 30
- New game mode: Zone Capture - May 24
- Narrative Event: Alpha Pack - July 19 to August 1
- Campaign Mission Replay - Late August
- Campaign Network Co-Op - Late August Target
- Forge Open Beta - September Target
Season 3 - start on November 8
- New maps - To be determined
- New modes - To be determined
- New narrative events - To be determined
- New Fracture event - To be determined
- Forge Open Beta Continues
- New items added to the Forge sandbox - To be determined
- Campaign Splitscreen Co-Op - To be determined

What do we know about the content coming to Halo Infinite in 2022?
In addition to all the elements we have discussed in the roadmap, the studio points to the constant arrival of "quality of life improvements". They will arrive via so-called 'Drop Pods', updates that will be added as soon as they are ready. They aim for one release per month that will begin "as soon as possible" after the Season 2 launch.
As can be expected, some dates are subject to change, especially those without a specific day. Online co-op for the campaign, the ability to replay missions and the launch of the beta version of Forge are "the targets" that 343 Industries is aiming for.
Source | Halo Waypoint