Overwatch 2: how to get into the beta: Twitch Drops, streamers and more
We tell you how to get into the Overwatch 2 beta, which starts this April 26 on PC. Twitch Drops play a key role for those who didn’t receive an invitation.

Overwatch 2 starts its first multiplayer beta from April 26. During its celebration, players will be able to access a preview of the content that will arrive during the final version. The first round of the test, which currently has no end date, puts Windows players face to face. We tell you how you can get your hands on a key.

How can I get an Overwatch 2 beta?
To access the Overwatch 2 beta you had to register your interest on the game's official website, which you can access here with your credentials. If you have been chosen, you will receive an email at the associated address of your profile. Remember that you must have a license of the first installment in your account to be able to play the beta; the Overwatch free trial also works.
In case you were unlucky, Blizzard will make available an alternative linked to Twitch Drops by watching a selection of streamers play and you will be eligible for a beta key. The Twitch Drops campaign will be available from April 27 at 10 am PT until 6 pm PT.
You are guaranteed to get a beta if you watch at least four hours of streaming. Viewing time is cumulative; if the streamer you are following cuts the live stream, you can jump to another one as long as they are part of the promotion. You will find participating content creators within the Overwatch section on Twitch.

How to link your account to Twitch for drops
- Log in to your Twitch account and select your profile icon at the top right of the window. In the drop-down click on Settings.
- Go to the Connections tab. Inside you will see several platforms. You must click on the second one, which is called by Blizzard. Make sure you choose the correct region for your account. Click on connect.
- A new window will open. Log in to your profile and click on the quadrant that requires BattleTag and your account ID. Once you have done so click on Allow.
- The window will close. Now on Twitch, you will see a green arrow with your profile. You are now ready to receive Twitch drops.
Which streamers will be offering Overwatch 2 betas on Twitch?
- A_Seagull
- AAlBaqoni
- AceofSpades
- Ade
- Adepththebest
- Anaee
- Angelxoxo
- Angrodtralari
- AnneMunition
- Aomdi
- Arcang3lon
- Arrge
- Aryll
- Aspen
- August
- Bazzagazza
- BeaPlays
- Beaver
- Beyaca
- Bighead
- Briggsycake
- BroYouWack
- Bruninho S07
- Bus
- CDNTthe3rd
- Ch1ckenkun
- ChangSik
- Cheomyeom
- Chipsa
- Crayator
- Crendor
- Cresjcent
- Cuppcaake
- Custa
- Daniel Fenner
- Datto
- David Orelus
- Dexbonus
- Dianamonsters
- Dohyeon
- DominoJack
- DPSDeku
- Dragoneddy
- Dullachann
- Dyrus
- Echoflex
- EeveeA
- Enyung
- Electra
- Ellohime
- Emiliath
- Emongg
- Eskay
- Eviltoaster
- Fareeha
- FDGod_OW
- Fextralife
- FindingKyKy
- Fitzyhere
- Flats
- Frogger
- Fuki
- Gale Adelade
- Gavi
- Geguri
- GetQuakedOn
- Guru
- Hal
- Hammerkick
- HighscoreHeroes
- Hoshizora
- Iddqqd
- Imaqtpie
- itmeJP
- Ivajpro
- Izeef
- Izgerte
- Jake
- Jay3
- JesseSMFI
- Jinsei
- Jotum
- Joum
- JoystickOW
- Kabaji
- KarQ
- Kephrii
- Kimjaewon
- Kimtongsoo
- Kragie
- KristenRae
- Kssarplayz
- Lassiz
- Last Chance
- Leetaejun
- LegDay
- Leia
- LemonKiwi
- Leveluplifting
- Linkzr
- LuLuLuvley
- Macro
- Mendo
- Merciful
- Metro
- Mirage
- MissySkywalker
- MI7
- Namunlbo
- Narullsbackyard
- Neves
- Niandra
- Nitrao
- Noserino
- Oasis
- One_shot_gurl
- Oputo
- Overpowered
- Ovileemay
- OWGrandma
- PeterParkTV
- Phyrex
- PlayOverwatch
- Pokelawls
- Pokimane
- Potxeca
- Punkdll
- QueenE
- Rammy
- RubenSargasm
- Runner
- Ryujehong
- Saebyeolbe
- SaltyPhish
- Samito
- Sesuko
- Shiphtur
- Sisime
- Skiesti
- Solmyr
- Somjuu
- Somnus
- Sooshi
- Strippin
- Stylosa
- Summerpie
- Sunshinebread
- Supertf
- Surefour
- Svb
- SypherPK
- Ta1yo
- TallNQuirky
- Tekkudesu
- Tex
- TheDarkness
- Themarinekr
- Thexboxlucio
- Toniki
- Tyr0din
- Vale
- Violet
- Warn
- Woogying
- Xenofly
- Yeatle
- YourOverwatch
- Yuuie
- Yznsa
- Zardoide