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Resident Evil Netflix series shows off all its zombies in a new trailer

The highly anticipated live-action series based on the Resident Evil games debuts a new trailer in which Netflix pulls out all the stops.


The human being is the only animal that stumbles twice with the same stone. And if that stone is called Resident Evil, the number of stumbles can skyrocket. After multiple attempts of all kinds for film and television, the new brave newcomer that will try to adapt Capcom's game saga is Netflix. The streaming platform is preparing a live-action series with Lance Reddick in the role of Albert Wesker and has just released a new trailer in which it boasts zombies and threats to its protagonists. Watch it below:

From the usual undead, zombie dogs, lickers, huge spiders to even a giant (and colorful!) worm halfway between those of Dune and the versions of Uroboros we fought in Resident Evil 5. Even the Umbrella Corporation seems to have a new, cuddly mascot. The famous T-Virus seems to have its origin this time in some antidepressants created by the company to reduce anxiety and increase concentration.

This second trailer comes shortly after Netflix released yesterday's first trailer for the series. With this, we have a lot to appreciate not only the zombies and monsters, Umbrella's evil actions, but these two timelines that are planned to be shown for the series' narrative.

When is the Resident Evil series coming out?

The Resident Evil series for Netflix will premiere worldwide next July 14, 2022 and will do so with the first season of 8 one-hour episodes. Its first official synopsis reads:

"Year 2036 – 14 years after Joy caused so much pain, Jade Wesker fights for survival in a world overrun by the blood-thirsty infected and mind-shattering creatures. In this absolute carnage, Jade is haunted by her past in New Raccoon City, by her father’s chilling connections to the sinister Umbrella Corporation but mostly by what happened to her sister, Billie."

Source | Netflix