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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor announced, will be released on 2023

Cal Kestis will be back next year following the surprise announcement at Star Wars Celebration of the sequel developed by Respawn Entertainment.


Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the name of the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, it was announced this afternoon during a panel at Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California. The sequel, announced earlier this year, will continue the story of Order 66's surviving Padawan, Cal Kestis, and his loyal droid, BD-1, 5 years after the original game. You can watch the first teaser for this title below:

The teaser gives us a few details about this new Star Wars adventure. It can be seen that Cal will find himself in a bad place at the start of Star Wars Jedi Survivor, being without allies (other than his droid BD-1) and his lightsaber has fallen into the hands of the Empire.

For now, Respawn announced that this title will arrive for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC. No mention was made of last-generation consoles. Related to this, Stig Asmussen, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orden and Survivor explained explained to some of the reasons for moving completely to this generation. “So I think the biggest thing is ray tracing, or lighting,” mentioned Asmussen “That’s allowing us to do real-time lighting, all the time, at a fidelity that’s well beyond anything that we’ve ever produced before. Since it’s real-time, we get to see the changes as we tweak the lights — immediately, essentially. That means that we have more time to polish, that means that we can iterate more, and we can get better results that feel more filmic.”

More Star Wars video games in the future

Earlier this year, Electronic Arts announced that they would be developing a total of 3 titles related to the Star Wars license, which would be overseen by Vince Zampella, Group GM and Founder of Respawn. In addition to the sequel to Fallen Order, there was an untitled first-person shooter in which Peter Hirschmann, former VP of development at LucasArts and executive producer of the original Star Wars Battlefront saga would participate. Alongside this title is a strategy game developed by Bit Reactor, a team made up of Firaxis Games veterans led by Greg Foerstch.

However, these are just a few of the Star Wars titles we have in the future. Check out our list of all the announced Star Wars games that will be coming soon.

Source | Star Wars