Xbox & Bethesda Showcase
Starfield looks like a dream come true in a first overwhelming gameplay
Bethesda's game premieres a gameplay about its character and ship editor, space battles and doses of action and exploration in dozens of biomes.

The finishing touch to the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase could not be any other. Starfield has put the cherry on top of the event with a first and impressive gameplay. The game is Bethesda's first new IP in 25 years and the fathers of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout are ready to raise the stakes and take the formula into space. With recognizable mechanics, but more overwhelming than ever, the trailer allows you to dive into the game's editor (not only characters, but also ships!), the action and exploration of its dozens of biomes, space battles and countless details of what is already becoming one of the major releases of 2023.
Starfield, the Skyrim of space?
The details that have been coming out of Starfield so far speak of an ambitious project like few others. For example, Starfield will have 150,000 lines of dialogue interpreted by more than 300 actors of several different nationalities. These are impressive numbers that surprise even more when compared to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (with 60,000 lines of dialogue) or Fallout 4 (with 110,000).
The game is set in the so-called Colonized Systems, an area of the Solar System that is 50 light years away from us. In the year 2330, when Starfield takes place, this is a territory in which the memories of a recent galactic war still linger. Amidst the resulting poverty and the melancholy of its inhabitants, space pirates, religious fanatics and corporations hungry for recruits proliferate.
We will be part of Constellation, a kind of space explorers that its creators define "as if NASA was mixed with Indiana Jones and the League of Extraordinary Men. It is a group of people looking for answers". We will begin to travel through the Systems on behalf of this group and accompanied by VASCO, a robot reminiscent of Mr. Handyman or Mr. Crafty from the Fallout saga. He will be one of our first allies during the story, in which we will make a lot of "decisions with a strong impact on the plot" and we will have a faction system similar to Skyrim.