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Disney+ connects Netflix series to the MCU in five revealing images

With the arrival of Marvel's Netflix series on Disney+, Marvel Studios is taking the opportunity to add them to the official canon of its Cinematic Universe.


Finally, we can say they are. Marvel's Netflix series, with the celebrated Daredevil at the helm, are now part of the official MCU canon with their arrival on Disney+. This has been confirmed by the streaming platform's own official Instagram account, sharing five revealing images that show us its protagonists as if they were being investigated. Don't miss the following images; they are full of details and revelations.

Netflix, Marvel and the MCU: a very real suspicion

“When you realize it’s all connected,” we can read in the official Disney+ account on Instagram next to a series of images that directly connect the different Marvel Netflix series with each other and, in turn, with the MCU. And is that since the premiere of the first Marvel series on Netflix, many fans wondered if they were part of the MCU as such, something that was never confirmed; until now.

Marvel and Netflix alliance brought a total of 6 series based on the “street-level” superheroes of New York. Yet, some changes between Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment and Walt Disney Studios, making the separation between the film and television divisions more prominent.

And the fact is that we have recently had the first clues about the integration of Netflix's Marvel characters in the MCU. The most sounded (and expected) case was the appearance of Daredevil (Charlie Cox) in Spider-Man: No Way Home as Matt Murdock, Peter Parker's lawyer in the case of Mysterio's "murder". Although he hasn't been the only one; the villain behind the shadows in the Hawkeye series was Daredevil's very own Kingpin, again played by Vincent D'Onofrio.

We will see if in future Marvel Studios productions the rest of Netflix characters such as Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Punisher and company will be integrated. For the moment, the next production of a new season of Daredevil has already been announced, already as part of the MCU.

Source | Disney+