Everything you need to know about Halloween 2022 Part I event in Pokémon GO
We tell you the main new features, Pokémon rotation, raids and more spooky Pokémon that will take part of Pokémon GO's Halloween 2022 Part I.

The most awaited event for Pokémon GO horror fans has arrived. The celebration of Halloween in 2022 comes loaded with bonuses that will be divided into two parts. The first, which has already started, will run until Thursday, October 27 at 10:00 am (local time); the second, on the other hand, will take place from the end of part I until Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 10:00 am (local time). We tell you everything you need to keep in mind for this kick-off.
What's new in the Pokémon GO Halloween Part I event?
Among the most outstanding elements of this first half, we find the debut of Mega-Banette in the Mega Raids of Pokémon GO. Throughout this part, you will be able to find her in this aspect with the possibility of doing so in a shiny version.
You will also find a Special Research, a series of challenges that will allow you to get rewards linked to the theme of masks. It will be available throughout the event at no additional cost; in case you want to expand your experience, you will find two special tickets in the store with Timed Research for $1 and $5, respectively.
You'll find that the map has a revamped look with the orange tones of the Halloween pumpkins, including the PokéStops. At night the music will change to a remix of the Lavender Village theme. On the other hand, if you capture an Altered Forme Giratina until November 1, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. local time, it will learn the featured attack Shadow Force, which deals 120 damage in trainer battles and 140 in gyms and raids.
Here are the Pokémon rotations in wild encounters, eggs, and raids: those with an asterisk are likely to appear in a shiny version.
Rotation of Pokémon wild encounters
- Zubat*
- Gastly*
- Haunter
- Spinarak*
- Murkrow*
- Misdreavus*
- Sableye*
- Shuppet*
- Dusclops
- Absol*
- Drifloon*
- Yamask*
- Golett
- Phantump
- Pumpkaboo
7 km Pokémon Eggs
- Yamask*
- Galarian Yamask*
- Phantump
- Golett
- Noibat*
Field Research task encounters
- Shuppet*
- Duskull*
- Yamask*
- Yamask de Galar*
- Phantump
One-Star Raids
- Sableye*
- Purrloin
- Yamask*
- Galarian Yamask*
- Phantump
Three-Star Raids
- Gengar*
- Umbreon
- Drifblim
- Drapion
Five-Star Raids
- Altered Forme Giratina
Source | Pokémon GO