Pokémon GO: how to know which Pokémon the Team GO Rocket Grunts use according to what they say (November 2022)
In this Pokémon GO guide, we’ll help you figure out exactly what Pokémon the Team GO Rocket grunts will use according to what they say when you encounter them. Best counters to beat them.
![Pokémon GO: how to know which Pokémon the Team GO Rocket Grunts use according to what they say (November 2022)](
The Team GO Rocket grunts are the lowest ranking foot soldiers of this criminal organization in Pokémon GO. Knowing what Pokémon they’ll use in battle by reading their dialogue is quite useful for planning ahead when encountering them. In this guide, we’ll give you the complete list of teams they use, as well as their counters.
How to find Team GO Rocket grunts?
Team GO Rocket grunts appear randomly in PokeStops and Balloons. When you find them, they’ll say a phrase that reveals what their main Pokémon type will be. The problem is that some of their phrases aren’t quite so obvious.
After you fight them, you’ll get the chance of capturing one of the Shadow Pokémon they were using in their team. They’ll also drop a Mysterious Component; with six of them you obtain a Rocket Radar, which is used for finding Arlo, Cliff and Sierra.
We’ll leave you with a full list of phrases the grunts use to telegraph their Pokémon teams, as well as what Pokémon they use.
Steel Type: You’re no match for my iron will!
Any Team GO Rocket grunt that says this phrase will mainly use Steel Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Fire, Fighting and Ground Type Pokémon.
Good Counters:
- Mega Gyarados with Waterfall (Fast Attack) and Hydro Pump (Charged Attack).
- Machamp with Counter (Fast Attack) and Dynamic Punch (Charged Attack).
- Groudon with Mud Shot (Fast Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
Water Type: These waters are treacherous
Any Team GO Rocket grunt that says this phrase will mainly use Water Type Pokémon. Use Grass and Electric Types to defeat them.
Every Pokémon used by these Grunts:
- First Pokémon: Wailmer, Totodile
- Second Pokémon: Croconaw
- Third Pokémon: Feraligatr, Wailord
Good Counters:
- Venusaur with Vine Whip (Fast Attack) and Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack).
- Torterra with Razor Leaf (Fast Attack) and Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack).
- Jolteon with Thunder Shock (Fast Attack) and Thunder (Charged Attack).
Bug Type: Go, my super bug Pokémon!
Grunts using this taunt will mainly use Bug Type Pokémon. The best counters for that are Flying, Rock, and Fire Types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Weedle, Shuckle
- Second Pokémon: Beedrill, Skorupi
- Third Pokémon: Forretress, Scizor, Pinsir
Good Counters:
- Ho-Oh with Incinerate (Fast Attack) and Fire Blast (Charged Attack).
- Rayquaza with Air Slash (Fast Attack) and Hurricane (Charged Attack).
- Rhyperior with Smack Down (Fast Attack) and Rock Wrecker (Charged Attack).
Dragon Type: ROAR!... How’d that sound?
Team GO Rocket Grunts with these phrases will always use Dragon Type Pokémon. The best counters are Ice, Dragon, and Fairy Pokémon.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Dratini, Alolan Exxegutor
- Second Pokémon: Flygon
- Third Pokémon: Dragonair, Dragonite, Flygon
Good counters:
- Articuno with Frost Breath (Fast Attack) and Ice Beam (Charged Attack).
- Dragonite with Dragon Tail (Fast Attack) and Draco Meteor (Charged Attack).
- Togekiss with Charm (Fast Attack) and Dazzling Gleam (Charged Attack).
Electric Type: Get ready to be shocked!
Team GO Rocket grunts with this taunt will mainly use Electric type Pokémon. The best counters are Ground type Pokémon.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Shinx, Mareep
- Second Pokémon: Voltorb, Electabuzz
- Third Pokémon: Luxray, Ampharos, Electabuzz
Good counters:
- Groudon with Mud Shot (Fast Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
- Rhyperior with Mud-Slap (Fast Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
- Swampert with Mud-Slap (Fast Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
Ghost Type: Ke…ke…ke…ke…ke…ke!
Grunts that use this mocking laugh will mainly use Ghost type Pokémon. The best counters are Ghost and Dark type Pokémon.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Golett
- Second Pokémon: Dusclops, Banette
- Third Pokémon: Dusknoir, Banette, Golruck
Good counters:
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw (Fast Attack) and Shadow Ball (Charged Attack).
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl (Fast Attack) and Foul Play (Charged Attack).
- Mega Gyarados with Bite (Fast Attack) and Crunch (Charged Attack).
Fire Type: Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get?
These encounters will mainly use Fire Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Rock, Ground, and Water Types
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Cyndaquil, Numel
- Second Pokémon: Quilava
- Third Pokémon: Camerupt, Ninetales, Typhlosion
Good counters:
- Kyogre with Waterfall (Fast Attack) and Hydro Pump (Charged Attack).
- Groudon with Mud Shot (Fast Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
- Rhyperior with Smack Down (Fast Attack) and Rock Wrecker (Charged Attack).
Fairy Type: Check out my cute Pokémon!
Grunts that say this phrase will mainly use Fairy Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Steel and Poison types.
Every Pokémon used by these Grunts:
- First Pokémon: Snubbull, Ralts
- Second Pokémon: Kirlia, Snubbull, Granbull
- Third Pokémon: Kirlia, Granbull
Good counters:
- Mega Scizor with Bullet Punch (Fast Attack) and Iron Head (Charged Attack).
- Mega Aggron with Iron Tail (Fast Attack) and Heavy Slam (Charged Attack).
- Mega Beedrill with Poison Jab (Fast Attack) and Sludge Bomb (Charged Attack).
Ice Type: You’re gonna be frozen in your tracks.
Team GO Rocket grunts that use this taunt will mainly use Ice Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Fire, Fighting and Rock types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Alolan Sandshrew, Swinub
- Second Pokémon: Snover, Alolan Sandslash
- Third Pokémon: Lapras, Abomasnow, Cloyster
Good counters:
- Machamp with Counter (Fast Attack) and Dynamic Punch (Charged Attack).
- Ho-Oh with Incinerate (Fast Attack) and Fire Blast (Charged Attack).
- Rhyperior with Smack Down (Fast Attack) and Rock Wrecker (Charged Attack).
Fighting Type: This buff physique isn’t just for show!
Grunts that say this will use Fighting Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Flying, Psychic, and Fairy.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Makuhita, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee
- Second Pokémon: Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee
- Third Pokémon: Machamp, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee
Good counters:
- Mewtwo with Confusion(Fast Attack) and Psystrike (Charged Attack).
- Rayquaza with Air Slash (Fast Attack) and Hurricane (Charged Attack).
- Togekiss with Charm (Fast Attack) and Dazzling Gleam (Charged Attack).
Normal Type: Normal doesn’t mean Weak
These grunts will always fight with Normal Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Fighting types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts
- First Pokémon: Rattata, Patrat, Whismur
- Second Pokémon: Loudred, Raticate, Bidoof
- Third Pokémon: Ursaring, Raticate
Good Counters:
- Machamp with Counter (Fast Attack) and Dynamic Punch (Charged Attack).
- Lucario with Counter (Fast Attack) and Aura Sphere (Charged Attack).
- Hariyama with Counter (Fast Attack) and Dynamic Punch (Charged Attack).
Grass Type: Don’t tangle with us!
These grunts will always fight with Grass Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Flying, Fire, Poison, Ice and Bug types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Cacnea, Chikorita, Whismur
- Second Pokémon: Bayleef
- Third Pokémon: Amoonguss, Meganium, Cacturne
Good counters:
- Ho-Oh with Incinerate (Fast Attack) and Fire Blast (Charged Attack).
- Mega Beedrill with Bug Bite (Fast Attack) and X-Scissor (Charged Attack).
- Articuno with Frost Breath (Fast Attack) and Ice Beam (Charged Attack).
Psychic Type: Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?
Grunts that use this taunt will use Psychic Type Pokémon in battle. Your best counters are Bug, Ghost, and Dark types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Natu
- Second Pokémon: Ralts, Girfarig
- Third Pokémon: Metang, Alakazam, Hypno
Good counters:
- Mega Beedrill with Bug Bite (Fast Attack) and X-Scissor (Charged Attack).
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl (Fast Attack) and Foul Play (Charged Attack).
- Mega Gengar with Lick (Fast Attack) and Shadow Ball (Charged Attack).
Rock Type: Let’s rock and roll!
These grunts will use only Rock Type Pokémon in battle. Your best counters are Ice, Steel, and Ground types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Onix, Sudowoodo
- Second Pokémon: Lileep, Anorith
- Third Pokémon: Golem, Onix
Good counters:
- Articuno with Frost Breath (Fast Attack) and Ice Beam (Charged Attack).
- Groudon with Mud Shot (Fast Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
- Mega Aggron with Iron Tail (Fast Attack) and Heavy Slam (Charged Attack).
Dark Type: Wherever there is light, there is also shadow.
These edgy grunts will only use Dark Type Pokémon in battle. Your best counters against them are Fairy, Fighting, and Bug types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Alolan Rattata, Purrloin
- Second Pokémon: Stunky, Alolan Raticate
- Third Pokémon: Honchkrow, Alolan Raticate, Cacturne
Good counters:
- Togekiss with Charm (Fast Attack) and Dazzling Gleam (Charged Attack).
- Machamp with Counter (Fast Attack) and Dynamic Punch (Charged Attack).
- Mega Beedrill with Bug Bite (Fast Attack) and X-Scissor (Charged Attack).
Ground Type: You’ll be defeated into the ground!
Grunts that use this taunt will mainly fight with Ground Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Water, Ice, and Grass types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Hippopotas, Alolan Diglett
- Second Pokémon: Hippopotas, Alolan Diglett
- Third Pokémon: Onix, Golem, Hippowdon
Good counters:
- Kyogre with Waterfall (Fast Attack) and Hydro Pump (Charged Attack).
- Articuno with Frost Breath (Fast Attack) and Ice Beam (Charged Attack).
- Mega Venusaur with Vine Whip (Fast Attack) and Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack).
Poison Type: Coiled and ready to strike!
Grunts that say this phrase will fight mainly with Poison Type Pokémon. Your best counters are Psychic and Ground types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Nidoran♂, Zubat, Foongus
- Second Pokémon: Nidorina, Nidorino
- Third Pokémon: Weezing, Muk
Good counters:
- Mewtwo with Confusion (Fast Attack) and Psystrike (Charged Attack).
- Groudon with Mud Shot (Fast Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
- Mega Alakazam with Confusion (Fast Attack) and Psychic (Charged Attack).
Flying Type: Battle against my Flying-Type Pokémon!
These Team GO Rocket grunts will fight mainly with Flying Type Pokémon. Your best counters will be Electric, Ice, and Rock types.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Natu, Ducklett, Starly
- Second Pokémon: Staravia, Golbat
- Third Pokémon: Dragonite, Gyarados, Crobat
Good counters:
- Zapdos with Thunder Shock (Fast Attack) and Thunder (Charged Attack).
- Articuno with Frost Breath (Fast Attack) and Ice Beam (Charged Attack).
- Rhyperior with Smack Down (Fast Attack) and Rock Wrecker (Charged Attack).
Special Grunt: Don’t bother - I’ve already won. / Get ready to be defeated! / Winning is for winners!
Any Team GO Rocket Grunt that says any of these phrases will fight using a very powerful special Pokémon type, with high level and varied Types. This means that there’s not a general counter to use, and it depends on each Pokémon they choose to use.
Every Pokémon used by these grunts:
- First Pokémon: Snorlax
- Second Pokémon: Snorlax, Poliwrath, Gardevoir
- Third Pokémon: Snorlax, Gyarados, Dragonite
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