DC Studios
James Gunn responds to the THR report about DC: truths, half truths, and lies
The new DC Studios director spoke about the earthquake caused by The Hollywood Reporter about the future of Warner Bros.’ superheroes.

James Gunn, DC Studios’ new director alongside Peter Safran, has answered through his personal Twitter account to the recent report by The Hollywood Reporter about DC’s future in movie theaters, with themes as controversial as the complete cancelation of Wonder Woman 3, doubts about Henry Cavill’s return as Superman, or the viability of the DCU itself as it is known today. All of this resulted in him confirming that “some of it is true, some of it is half-true, some of it is not true, & some of it we haven’t decided yet whether it’s true or not,” which doesn’t quite clear up what was shared by THR.
James Gunn at the service of DC characters
“As for the story yesterday in the Hollywood Reporter, some of it is true, some of it is half-true, some of it is not true, & some of it we haven’t decided yet whether it’s true or not. Although this first month at DC has been fruitful, building the next ten years of story takes time & we’re still just beginning,” wrote Gunn in his Twitter account.
“Peter & I chose to helm DC Studios knowing we were coming into a fractious environment, both in the stories being told & in the audience itself & there would be an unavoidable transitional period as we moved into telling a cohesive story across film, TV, animation, and gaming.”
Director Gunn continued: “But, in the end, the drawbacks of that transitional period were dwarfed by the creative possibilities & the opportunity to build upon what has worked in DC so far & to help rectify what has not. We know we are not going to make every single person happy every step of the way, but we can promise everything we do is done in the service of the STORY & in the service of the DC CHARACTERS we know you cherish and we have cherished our whole lives.”
In the end, what Gunn is doing is asking the fans to be patient, because he and his team are working hard to give DC characters all the time and attention they deserve, adding that even they have a lot of questions to make and answer. We’ll have to keep waiting to see if any of the points in the THR report were true, and which have been proven as lies.
Source | James Gunn