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Superman is a priority for James Gunn in DC Studios: will Henry Cavill stay?

The new head of DC takes to social media to communicate with fans, assuring them the Man of Steel “is a huge priority, if not the biggest priority".

Superman is a priority for James Gunn in DC Studios: will Henry Cavill stay?

DC is living through some rough times in the movies, but James Gunn taking the position as the head creative of the now named DCU alongside producer Peter Safran should guarantee the creation of a cohesive and long shared universe, in the style of Marvel Studios. But what will happen with the rest of the DCEU? Will it be used as a base or discarded in its entirety? A recent article by The Hollywood Reporter sounded the alarms, to which Gunn already answered without giving much real insight. Where does Superman stand in all of this? Let’s remember that up until a few weeks ago, Henry Cavill’s return as the Man of Steel was still happening. Now, Gunn has gone back to social media to shine some light on the subject.

Superman is of utmost importance for James Gunn

Of course, this affirmation should calm down Superman fans after so many years of suspense about the character’s status in the movies, since many of us thought Henry Cavill’s tenure as the last son of Krypton was over. It wasn’t until Black Adam’s arrival and its post credits scene that hope came back to the hearts of fans. But, will James Gunn keep Superman at the center of the DCU?

James Gunn cleared up the situation about the character, but not about the actor, revealing that “Superman is a huge priority, if not the biggest priority” for the new DCU. This was mentioned as part of a Twitter thread in which the director celebrated the 44th anniversary of Superman: The Movie. Of course, he didn’t mention if he’ll keep Henry Cavill as Superman for this new era of DCU, something that according to The Hollywood Reporter wasn’t very clear.

It seems like Gunn is looking to correct one of the most controversial aspects of the previous era of DC in Warner, which was the loud absence of its most important superhero. What we don’t know yet is if the cape still belongs to Cavill or not. Let’s remember that recently, Gunn said: “we know we are not going to make every single person happy every step of the way, but we can promise everything we do is done in the service of the STORY & in the service of the DC CHARACTERS we know you cherish and we have cherished our whole lives.”

Source | James Gunn