Prime Video
The Rings of Power Season 2: Amazon Studios speaks about the next 2 seasons of the show
The long awaited second season will benefit from everything learned through the production of the first part of The Rings of Power, mistakes and all.

Just as in the video game industry, it seems like the waiting between first and second parts of tv shows is getting shorter. What’s difficult is stepping into a world for the first time and finding the stories in it, but after that a lot of the work has already been done and can be used to polish the following entry. This is what they’ve done in Amazon Studios with The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

You won’t have to wait for long
The magnitude of the production for the most expensive television series of all times took about three or four years to complete, according to Vernon Sanders, director of Amazon Studios, in a Collider interview. The executive didn’t mention any specific numbers, but does admit that what they’ve learned so far is now an advantage.
The “plan” consists of releasing season 2 during 2024 “at the earliest”. They’re trying to be as quick as possible so the hype created by the series doesn’t dissipate. There’s a lot of money on the table, and the general public has expressed their satisfaction with what they’ve seen so far. Without looking back, Sanders has also hinted at what’s to come during Season 3:
The first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power tasted a bit like a prologue to many fans. It took its time to show off their version of the world, its characters, and plotlines that link them together. Once everything is out in the open, the show’s pacing should quicken for the fantasy world in a natural way. Even knowing what’s coming at the end of the story, what’s important here is the road that takes us there.
Source | Xfire