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Warner Bros. Games

Hogwarts Legacy actor apologizes for appearing in the game while not knowing of JK Rowling’s opinions

Sebastian Croft apologizes to those that have been hurt by the announcement and restates his support and defense of the trans and larger LGBTQ community.

Hogwarts Legacy actor apologizes for appearing in the game while not knowing of JK Rowling’s opinions

Sebastian Croft (Heartstopper) is one of the two voices available for the Hogwarts Legacy protagonist, the long awaited RPG set in the Harry Potter universe. From the beginning, Warner Bros. Games and Avalanche have tried their best to distance themselves and their work from J.K. Rowling, author of the original novels, ever since her highly controversial statements about the trans community caused many fans to get angry and upset at the franchise. It’s due to this very thing that a user on Twitter criticized Croft for taking part in the development of the game.

“"Queer was always here" includes trans people,” wrote user @transisawesome in a now deleted Tweet. The user tagged Croft, claiming to be “reminding you bc you apparently forgot what your own merch stands for.” The actor was quick to answer with honesty.

His work was done before Rowling’s opinion came to light

Croft stated: “I was cast in this project over 3 years ago, back when all Harry Potter was to me, was the magical world I grew up with. This was long before I was aware of JK Rowling’s views. I believe whole heartedly that trans women are women and trans men are men.”

In a following tweet, Croft apologized for those hurt because of his part in the video game. “I know far more now than I did 3 years ago, and hope to learn far more in the next 3. I’m really sorry to anyone hurt by this announcement. There is no LGB without the T.”

Warner Bros. Games has pointed out in their frequent questions section of the game’s website that J.K. Rowling has not been a part of any aspect of the game’s development.

Hogwarts Legacy recently presented a spectacular cinematic trailer, just a few weeks from its release on Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC set for February 10. The last-gen version s of the title (Xbox One and PS4) will launch on April 4, while the Nintendo Switch version will come to stores on July 25.

Source | Sebastian Croft on Twitter