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Pokémon GO

Tapu Koko in Pokémon GO: best counters, attacks, and Pokémon to defeat it

We’ll tell you how to defeat Tapu Koko, one of the 5 Star Raid Pokémon you can encounter in Pokémon GO. These are the best ways to counter it.

Tapu Koko in Pokémon GO: best counters, attacks, and Pokémon to defeat it
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Tapu Koko is one of the Pokémon currently found in 5 Star Raids in Pokémon GO. In this Pokémon GO guide we’ll tell you what the best counters are for fighting Tapu Koko, what attacks to use, and what Pokémon to choose to defeat them.

Tapu Koko in Pokémon GO: Raid explanation

Tapu Koko is an Electric/Fairy type Pokémon available in 5 Star Raids. Taking into account its two types, the best possible counters for it are Pokémon of Ground and Poison type with powerful attacks of the same type. If you’re able to use Megaevolutions or Shadow Pokémon, even better. If you don’t have any powerful Pokémon of these two types, then your best bet is to choose the most powerful creatures you have with the highest DPS possible.

Evidently, the more players take part during a Raid, the higher your probabilities of success. To be sure you should have a group of at least five players with excellent Pokémon of the previously mentioned types, with attacks of the same type.

Coming up next you’ll find a selection of Pokémon that’ll have great chances against Tapu Koko in Pokémon GO.

Best counters for Tapu Koko in Pokémon GO

  • Nihilego with Poison Jab (Quick Attack) and Sludge Bomb (Charged Attack).
  • Excadrill with Mud-Slap (Quick Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
  • Mamoswine with Mud-Slap (Quick Attack) and High Horsepower (Charged Attack).
  • Rhyperior with Mud-Slap (Quick Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
  • Groudon with Mud Shot (Quick Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
  • Garchomp with Mud Shot (Quick Attack) and Earth Power (Charged Attack).
  • Mega Gengar with Hex (Quick Attack) and Sludge Bomb (Charged Attack).
  • Mega Beedrill with Poison Jab (Quick Attack) and Sludge Bomb (Charged Attack).
  • Mega Swampert with Mud Shot (Quick Attack) and Earthquake (Charged Attack).
  • Shadow Mamoswine with Mud-Slap (Quick Attack) and High Horsepower (Charged Attack).
  • Shadow Ursaluna with Tackle (Quick Attack) and High Horsepower (Charged Attack).
  • Shadow Golurk with Mud-Slap (Quick Attack) and Earth Power (Charged Attack).

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