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Avalanche Software

Hogwarts Legacy updated, but PC users complain of unresolved issues

Some users confirm that the shuttering problems in Avalanche Software's game continue, even though the patch fixes additional bugs.

Hogwarts Legacy updated, but PC users complain of unresolved issues

The new video game set in the magical world of Harry Potter has begun its magic. Hogwarts Legacy has become one of the most played titles of the moment, although the work of Warner Bros. and Avalanche Software drags some problems. The studio has tried to tackle them through a new patch, already available on PC, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S (while the distribution on PS5 has been delayed for a few days). However, some PC users have reported that one bug in particular remains: stuttering.

The problem has to do with the frame rate and screen refresh rate, which causes intermittent stuttering. Frames dropped by like 50% and stuttering increased around 500%, at least that's how it feels. Bad job," complained one user on Reddit.

"I played the game right before the 'patch' came out and then immediately afterwards. The difference is clearly noticeable. I never had lag issues in Hogsmeade on the level that this new patch has caused and flying is an absolute misery now while it used to be lovely," wrote another player. However, as PC Gamer points out, the experience is not the same for everyone and depends on your hardware configuration.

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Fidelity Mode Enhancements

The update focuses on "performance and stability" while improving "internet connection" issues. According to the patch notes, the developers have tried to improve performance in this game mode.

The update focuses on "performance and stability" while improving "internet connection" issues. According to the patch notes, the developers have tried to improve performance in this game mode.

Hogwarts Legacy is available for PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. It will not be released on previous generation consoles (PS4 and Xbox One) until April 4, while the Nintendo Switch version has been delayed until July 25.

Source | PC Gamer