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Guerrilla Games

Aloy will return soon: Guerrilla confirms third Horizon game and new multiplayer installment

The studio announces changes in top management and promises to expand the Horizon universe with another adventure and an “exciting online project.

Horizon 3

Fasten your seatbelts, because Guerrilla is coming for you. The studio has just announced a complex restructuring that will change the faces of its top management (promoted to other positions of responsibility within Sony itself). And in the midst of all the name changes on their website, what stands out the most is the last sentence that accompanies and sums it all up:

“We have full confidence in our new leadership as they steer Guerrilla towards a bright future, expanding the world of Horizon with Aloy’s next adventure and our exciting online project.”

There is not much room for fantasy. It seems clear that we will have a Horizon 3 after Forbidden West (released last year) and its brand new expansion (Burning Shores, released last week). Let’s hope we don’t have to wait five years like we did between Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) and the last one. Maybe in between will come that much rumored Horizon MMO or co-op?

And if you’re worried that the change in leadership will affect the studio, what we’ve seen in recent years invites you to think otherwise. After the success of Horizon Zero Dawn and the trajectory of Killzone, the co-founder and managing director of the developer, Hermen Hulst, was already promoted to head of Sony Worldwide Studios in 2019 during the development of Forbidden West. The result is well known. A resounding critical and popular success.

What you should be a little more concerned about is the recent review bombing of the game’s new expansion, all because in it we can see Aloy expressing romantic interest in a new adventure partner, and we even get the option to kiss her. And just for that, the game’s average score on Metacritic was lowered by the community. A new display of homophobia that shows how little we have evolved since the controversy over Ellie’s kiss in The Last of Us: Part 2.

Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores
Full screen

Source | Guerrilla Games