Capcom’s most legendary phrase has been selected by popular vote
Capcom pitted some of the most popular lines from their characters and games against each other, in order to find which one is the most famous one.

Capcom is celebrating its 40th anniversary, and on the occasion the company has held a peculiar survey on its website. This is about the most prominent phrase in the studio’s games, and although some as legendary as Hadouken did not participate in the investigation, six lines were proposed to fight for the honor of being the most popular phrase in Capcom history.
The phrases included in the slope were the following:
- Objection! from Ace Attorney.
- Itchy. Tasty. from Resident Evil.
- So Tasty from Monster Hunter.
- Let’s Party! From Sengoku Basara.
- Tiun Tiun (the dying sound effect) from Mega Man.
Capcom’s immortal legacy
The winner of the poll was Objection! from the Ace Attorney series, an exclamation that became especially popular thanks to Phoenix Wright, the first protagonist of a saga that was originally born in Japan in Game Boy Advance, but which arrived to the West several years later with the Nintendo DS. Visual novels, a genre that stood out enormously on Nintendo’s touch handheld, and which had one of the most notable examples in Ace Attorney. In these games we put ourselves in the role of a defense lawyer in a court of law, and through an investigation, collecting evidence, and interrogations we must try to ensure that our clients are declared not guilty.
A proposal full of originality that triumphed globally, and that demonstrates Capcom’s continued ability to innovate and stand out in all types of genres. On the occasion of the celebrations for its 40th anniversary, the Japanese company has released four wallpapers in which the characters from the rest of the video games that participated in the survey are saying Objection! One more example of an immortal legacy that only grows and values everything accomplished.