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CD Projekt RED

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty tells of Idris Elba’s betrayal in its cinematic trailer

His character, Solomon Redd, is a secret agent who has long worked in special operations, but now suffers in the flesh from the cruelty of Night City.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

Solomon Reed is the character played by Idris Elba in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, a Night City survivor who experiences one of his most fateful moments in the cinematic trailer just released by CD Projekt RED. The man finds himself on a train when he is betrayed by one of his allies, who hacks the vehicle to stage a Julius Caesar-style assassination, but with fewer conspirators. You can watch the video below.

In addition, the studio has distributed another clip in which Elba himself talks about the nature of his character: “Reed is a professional, someone that’s lived many lives. He’s basically a secret agent that has worked in Night City for a long time and has been a special ops operator, and basically has kept his head down, until now. And when he comes back he comes back in a major way.”

When is Update 2.0 coming?

CD Projekt RED used their recent streaming event to announce the release date for Update 2.0. It was already expected to be released a few days before the arrival of Phantom Liberty, but now there is a concrete date: it will be released on September 21st.

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 will only be available for the new generation versions, leaving Xbox One and PS4 without the many improvements and new features it brings. The free update includes changes such as the redesign of the skill and perk trees, as well as cyberware and the new ability system. On the other hand, there will be vehicle combat and a revamped chase system, not to mention the improvement of artificial intelligence or changes to the police system.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty will be available on September 26th for PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC. Check out our first impressions straight from Gamecom.