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Marvel Studios

‘Deadpool 3’: Patrick Stewart teases a cameo as Charles Xavier, and shares some thoughts about ‘Doctor Strange 2’

Professor X and the rest of the mutants are set to join the MCU relatively soon, and for Deadpool 3 it seems like we’ll see Sir Patrick Stewart back on his role, even though his last stint wasn’t what he expected.


Sir Patrick Stewart, the famous actor who for years played Charles Xavier in the mutant universe by Fox, has teased his next return as the Professor in ‘Deadpool 3′, the first film of the Merc with a Mouth from Ryan Reynolds as part of the MCU. This was revealed during a recent interview with the actor on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, where the actor also criticized his cameo in ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’, saying it was “frustrating and disappointing.”

Will we see Charles Xavier again in the MCU?

We recently echoed an article from Variety in which it was stated that ‘Deadpool 3′ will be the ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ of Fox’s mutant universe, ensuring that we will see a large number of mythical cameos. Well, Patrick Stewart himself has suggested his return once again as Charles Xavier in ‘Deadpool 3′ after being asked if he will be part of its cast: “I have every confidence he’s still around. It has come up, there’s been a process. But the last two-three years have been so difficult with the labor problems and the health problems, COVID, you know…”

If we take into account that ‘Deadpool 3′ promises to revisit Fox’s mutant universe before its definitive jump to the MCU, it makes all the sense in the world that such an important character as Charles Xavier also appears. On the other hand, in the same interview he recalled his cameo as Professor in ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’, of which he does not have a very good memory due to a very particular filming process conditioned by pandemic restrictions:

I was alone. I think the big scene, each one of the leading actors had the same experience. They were shot on their own. It was a frustrating and disappointing but that’s how it has been. The last few years have been challenging,” acknowledged the actor, confirming that the scene in which the Illuminati of the alternative universe appear was recorded individually, even though they are all seen together on the screen.

Deadpool 3′, with Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), opens in theaters next July 26, 2024.