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Diablo 4 build calculator: What is it and how it works

Get ready for Diablo 4 by diving into this wonderful build calculator, so you can plan out your classes and be ready for the endgame from the start.


Diablo 4 is finally releasing today for every player regardless of what edition of they game they bought, and while some are completely fine with diving into the game blind, exploring as they see fit and experimenting with their characters to test how everything works, others prefer a more prepared approach. For those kinds of players, today we bring you an amazingly detailed build calculator for the game so you can plan out every aspect of your character before jumping into the game.

Created by a user that goes by the name “Lothrik”, the Diablo IV Build Calcluator is a free to use tool on GitHub that features the complete skill trees for all 5 of Diablo 4′s classes: Barbarian, Sorcerer, Rogue, Druid and Necromancer. While it is admittedly a work-in-progress by its creator, who’s been updating it since the first betas of the game took place months ago, this calculator is actually pretty close to what you’ll be able to see in the game.

How to use the Diablo IV Build Calculator

As mentioned before, this tool is still in development, so it is bound to change as the game itself evolves and is patched. However it will be able to help you create your perfect build, specially if you like to min/max all of your stats and skills to optimize your gameplay.

To use the tool, just follow these steps:

  1. Go into the Diablo IV Build Calculator in GitHub.
  2. Select your class.
  3. A sort of skill map will open up. When you hover your cursor over any icon it’ll show descriptive text for whatever skill you’re trying to see.
  4. Start using your “skill Points” by clicking on the “Basic” circle in the middle. From there, more options will continue to be unlocked.

The calculator mimics the way skills are unlocked in-game, so you won’t be able to skip to the end without fulfilling all the requirements needed. Now you can play around with the allocation of your skill points and see how your abilities continue to evolve.