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Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to reveal ‘big surprise’ for its most shocking scene

The director of the video game did not go into detail about what will happen, but the statements give rise to a debate about Aerith’s fate.

There are sequences that stay in your mind, that transcend generations, that become an integral part of the history of the medium. Squaresoft’s classic has one of those scenes. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second part of the trilogy that reimagines the seventh installment, holds a “big surprise” for this unique and painful moment. If you haven’t played it yet (or have been living in a cave), we warn you that spoilers will follow.

It was director Naoki Hamaguchi who revealed it in the Indonesian media Gamebrott (translation by Kotaku): “To all gamers regarding this ‘you-know-what’ moment” in the Forgotten Capital: “We can confirm that we will give you a ‘big surprise.’” It wouldn’t be a surprise if it was revealed beforehand, a maxim the developer has followed to the letter.

Aerith and her uncertain fate

In Final Fantasy VII, Cloud witnesses Aerith’s death at the hands of Sephiroth, who uses his long Masamune Katana to pierce the young woman. The ex-soldier, broken by grief, holds the limp body in the waters of the lake and releases it. What changes will be made in Rebirth, will Aerith survive her fateful destiny, or will the inevitable be delayed?

Since the whole remake project is based on the idea of reinterpretation, it is possible that there will be profound changes in the story. However, we will have to wait and see what Square Enix has in store.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be released on February 29th as a temporary PS5 exclusive. According to PlayStation itself, the exclusivity will last three months, which does not mean that it will be released on other platforms after this period. The title follows the story of Final Fantasy VII Remake, the first chapter focused on the city of Midgar. The second part, however, will open up new horizons.