Fortnite OG’s nostalgia factor has been a total success, with the game breaking player records once again
Fortnite OG has brought in the game’s highest-ever player count thanks to the return of the “Chapter 1″ content. Nostalgia seems to have pulled back a ton of users.

The return of Fortnite to its original content for an entire month has been a great success on Epic Games’ part, as shown by its simultaneous player statistics. The game has registered its highest number of players since Epic publicly shows the numbers, with almost six million people connected at the same time.
Fortnite breaks its previous record with almost six million simultaneous players
Fortnite recorded a figure of 5,888,686 simultaneous players last Friday, November 3, 2023, which is when the new season of the game began. Its the highest number of players since Epic Games made these figures public in April 2023. The previous player record was of 2,817,867 with the launch of Season 4 of Chapter 4 at the end of August 2023. You can view this information in Fortnite.GG, which although it is not an official website, does collect data from the official Epic Games servers to compile this information.

The nostalgia factor of Fortnite OG, with the return of the classic map and lots weapons, objects, and vehicles of Chapter 1 of the game, has been key when it comes to many players who left having returned to try this “new” season.
As time has passed, with each new season of Fortnite the game has been introducing changes both in the map and in the weapons and game mechanics. These changes have not always been liked, and so many modifications in such a short time have caused boredom among players who for various reasons have not been able to keep up with the game, causing them to abandon it completely. Modifications, on the other hand, were necessary precisely so that the game did not remain stagnant while the competition continued to innovate. The temporary return for a month of Fortnite to a simpler time with fewer game mechanics and therefore more direct action has made many of these players who left come back.