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‘House of the Dragon’ has battles so gigantic that it’s being compared to ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Battle scenes in the second season of ‘House of the Dragon’ will far surpass the ones in the previous one, according to the series’ showrunner.


The first season of ‘House of the Dragon’ was an appetizer of the banquet that is to be served next in the second season and forwards. A feast of blood, fire, and war, of swords and arrows, of ships and dragons. The succession to the Iron Throne will face two sides and two contenders: Aegon II Targaryen, anointed king in the capital, and Rhaenyra Targaryen, proclaimed queen on Dragonstone. Political moves made immediately after King Viserys’ death led to conflict breaking out that will only stop when there is a winner. In an interview with Den of Geek, showrunner Ryan Condal has compared the battle sequences with those of Marvel’s ‘The Avengers’ and has assured that they will surpass those of the first season in all.

“We can fit two Avengers films inside of our shoot schedule,” said Condal. “The battles are episodes unto themselves. We have two of the largest sequences that we’ve ever filmed on House of the Dragon. Both of them outstrip anything that we did in season one. They are episodes within episodes.”

The Dance of the Dragons begins

If in the first season, everything revolved around internal conspiracies, some of the new episodes will have a focus on the war, a war on a scale different from anything seen in the saga, since in the case of ‘Game of Thrones’ there never existed more than three dragons on the battlefield. The series will introduce another five new dragons, who will plummet into a heartbreaking conflict.

The truth is that Rhaenyra Targaryen was chosen by her father as the successor to the throne. The fact that she was a woman worked against her, since as Rhaenys Targaryen, the queen who never was, warns her, “Men would rather see the kingdom burn than a woman sitting on the Iron Throne.” Therefore, when Viserys marries Alicent, his second wife, the issue of succession once again takes center stage in politics. The birth of sons from the marriage makes Rhaenyra fear that her father will change his mind, but the monarch remains faithful to his decision until the end of his days. It is then that the Dance of the Dragons is unleashed.

‘House of the Dragon’ premieres on Max June 17. This season will have two fewer episodes than the previous one.