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Microsoft messes up and reveals unlikely release window for The Elder Scrolls VI

During the same court case, the head of Xbox said that the game would not be ready for probably more than five years.

Elder Scrolls

The FTC and Microsoft are still immersed in the legal process that will settle the purchase of Activision Blizzard. During these days there has been a lot of information about different companies, projects, etc., a context in which the lawyer of the software giant has mentioned the release window of The Elder Scrolls VI. However, considering that the title is in pre-production, the date seems too close.

According to the lawyer, the sixth installment of the saga will be marketed sometime in 2026, still without confirmed platforms, as published by The Verge.

The Elder Scrolls VI... so soon?

The lawyer pointed out that she wanted to clear up a mistake that occurred when the FTC asked about Zenimax, Bethesda’s parent company. “That is incorrect. There are two Elder Scrolls games, one is online called Elder Scrolls Online — that is a multiplayer game, it is on PlayStation today. The game he’s talking about Elder Scrolls 16... the projected release is 2026 as a single-player game. It is not anywhere similar to Call of Duty, which as you know is multiplayer and multi-platform.” The 16 is a confusion on the part of the professional: she is obviously referring to the sixth installment.

During the intervention of Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, the executive admitted that they have not yet decided on the platforms on which The Elder Scrolls VI will see the light. According to his words, we will have to wait more than five years for the project to materialize, since the studio in charge is the same one behind Starfield, their new intellectual property.

“As I said, The Elder Scrolls VI is so far away that at this point it’s hard to understand what the platforms will be. It’s from the same team that’s finishing Starfield, which comes out in September. So we’re talking about it being more than 5 years away.”

The Elder Scrolls VI was announced at E3 2018 alongside Starfield.

Source | The Verge