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Modern Warfare 3 is the worst-reviewed game in Call of Duty history

The return of a classic saga has ended in disaster for a historic franchise like Call of Duty.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 fecha presentación evento Warzone

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is not what many franchise fans would expect from a new title, at least as a global product. A game that has done nothing but accumulate criticism of all kinds, especially negative for what the franchise has become accustomed to over the past decades, and that is why it is already ranked as the worst-reviewed game in the history of the Call of Duty series.

Modern Warfare 3 was released a few days after the 20th anniversary of the franchise, a special moment that also happened to coincide with the purchase of Microsoft by Activision Blizzard. Criticism has been fierce in many cases, especially for what is considered the worst story mode in Call of Duty. On Metacritic, the PC version of the game currently has an average score of 53 out of 100, while on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S it is 56 and 64 respectively. Never before has a Call of Duty received such ratings, with only 2013′s Ghosts receiving an average score of 68 on PC and 69 on Wii U; in addition to the Wii version of Call of Duty 3, which has an average score of 69.

The latest Call of Duty is not at the height of the greats of the franchise

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III stands out enormously for its multiplayer mode, as well as for the Zombies mode. It is in these two points where you can see all the virtues of a title that has failed to live up to its campaign mode. The game’s story mode is considered the worst of the entire series, and this is where the vast majority of the criticisms that have severely penalized the game fall, and is that although a large number of players devote most of their time to the multiplayer, we should not forget where it all began for Call of Duty. It is at this point that the new Modern Warfare 3 is far from what should be expected.

The review, written by our colleagues in Spain, points out that “many Call of Duty players don’t even touch the story mode with a stick. They focus on multiplayer (or zombies) and that’s it. But many others do, because even if it hurts, the saga has given us some of the best missions and campaigns in the shooter genre throughout its history. That’s why we’re sad to see its levels turned into Warzone games. They seem to be made to cover the file and present the multiplayer mechanics. They betray the original formula, abandoning the fast pace and spectacular situations to focus on open areas that we must face from “stealth”.