Napoleon Trailer Shows Joaquin Phoenix Enjoying the Role of a Lifetime
The biopic about Napoleon will premiere later this 2023 on Apple TV+. The war drums are starting to beat.

AppleTV+ raises the bar with its next production. The first official trailer for Napoleon, the movie about the life of the emperor, features a Joaquin Phoenix in his prime. The actor is fully imbued with the aroma of conquering and leading such a charismatic figure in the history of mankind. The film is expected to be released later this year. You can watch the trailer below.
Napoleon and Joaquin Phoenix return to the big screen
“Napoleon is a spectacle-filled action epic that details the checkered rise and fall of the iconic French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, played by Oscar winner Joaquin Phoenix,” Sony Pictures, the production company, reveals in its official description. “The film captures Bonaparte’s relentless journey to power through the prism of his addictive, volatile relationship with his one true love, Josephine, showcasing his visionary military and political tactics against some of the most dynamic practical battle sequences ever filmed.”
The movie has a true master of cinema behind the cameras. Ridley Scott will transmit his cinematic art through Phoenix, who already in the trailer smells like it will be the role of his life (with the permission of his role in Her and Joker). The veteran actor is not afraid to put on the emperor’s suit.

Phoenix is joined by some truly great actors. The cast includes Vanessa Kirby (Josephine), Ludivine Sagnier (Theresa Cabarrus), Ben Miles (Coulancourt), Tahar Rahim (Paul Barras), Catherine Walker (Marie Antoinette), Youssef Kerkour (General Davout), Paul Rhys (Talleyrand), Matthew Needham (Lucien Bonaparte), John Hollingworth (Marshal Ney), Scott Handy (Marshal Berthier), Benjamin Chivers (as a young Eugene Bauharnais), Jonathan Barnwell (Bourrienne), Sam Crane (Jacques-Louis David), Edouard Philipponnat (Tsar Alexander), Phil Cornwell (Sanson ‘The Borreau’), Gavin Spokes (Moulins), Arthur McBain (General Marchand), Davide Tucci (Lazar Hoche), Thea Achillea (Napoleon’s daughter), and Tim Faulkner (Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher), among others.