Gaming Club


Nintendo’s business plan has a good reason for why they won’t buy external studios

The president of Nintendo explains that they prefer to build up talent instead of acquiring it through studio buyouts.

Nintendo is clear about its strategy in this changing world in which the video game industry finds itself. While PlayStation and Xbox lead the rivalry in the race to acquire development studios (and apparently, closure controversies), The Japanese company prefers another method to prepare for new development cycles.

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa explained the growth method they have chosen internally to investors during the closing of the 2024 fiscal year. For the company, it is not enough to acquire a group of external talent, but rather they focus on hiring experienced professionals and new graduates to mentor in their methodology. This allows them to understand what Nintendo is from the beginning of their career there., instead of coming in with a methodology already specific to other teams.

Nintendo is already working on a new space to house more workers

Already in 2023, we saw that NIntendo’s growth plans included the construction of a new building in the vicinity of its current headquarters, located in the city of Kyoto. Its completion is expected in “2028 or later” to comply with the expansion plan they have outlined.

At first, they targeted a 12-story building of 400,000 square feet but eventually decided to go for “more than 13 floors” that could accommodate a greater number of employees with a permanent contract. Internal teams will grow in volume to be able to maintain more developments and deal with the increasing deadlines of the most relevant projects.

And the success of Nintendo Switch has allowed them to look at its successor with a more ambitious vision. While the hybrid arrived in 2017 as a revolution compared to the disaster that was the Wii U in sales, the next generation of Nintendo consoles will take the baton of one of the best-selling consoles in history. With 141 million units placed worldwide, it is on track to break all records during its commercial period.